
Its not about efficiency, its about “i’m in the house doing other stuff and will be leaving soon so start the car and let it do its thing while I do mine. When we are both ready we go”.

Remotely starting my car on a cold winter morning is worth the waste of gas. I don’t care I want a warm car interior and a warm steering wheel and seats.

I don’t get it, for every airline when you book your flight (except Southwest) you pick your seats ahead of time or have the ability to do so. If sitting together is that important why wouldn’t you just select seats that are together when you book? How is this even a problem that needed gov’t intervention???

I would argue the internet isn’t pissed...just a group of very vocal people. It doesn’t help either that every blog and gaming blog keeps writing the same story saying the same exaggerated things. The only people really talking about it are blogs looking for clicks. Right now there are 378k people playing it on steam

Or just don’t wait to the last minute to do your laundry.

I’m not tipping housekeeping. I’m already paying a room rate, room taxes, town taxes, and other misc taxes. I’ve seen how quickly they rush in, grab the towels (maybe) run a quick vacuum and leave. They make about 78% more than minimum wage on average. These aren’t waiters that make $2 an hour and live off of tips.

Thats part of your room charge as far as I’m concerned.

Use a diaper genie. One of the few baby products I feel is worth it. With a slight modification you can use generic bags in it also.

People have a problem getting through the entire game in one sitting?

Put blankets on the beds. Open the blinds on the side of the house that is getting sun, let the sun warm the house during the day. Wear socks in the house, wear sweatshirts/sweaters in the house. Lounging on the couch watching tv? Get a blanket. I refuse to turn the heat up in the winter. Propane is too expensive.

Bad advice not rely on your schools. These services cost money to the schools and there is no incentive for them to help the kid. The schools also don’t care if your kid can actually read or not, they will continue to pass them along from grade to grade. Getting an IEP is also not a sure thing. The school

I get the visual thing. If I get it I pop 3 ibuprofen and I tend to not get a headache or nausea, if I can’t pop any medicine the headache and nausea follow and are horrible. But even after popping drugs they tend to knock me out and I get extremely tired. That can last for a few days. I also tend to yawn a lot right

Duh who would have thought that a product that kills plants could be harmful to humans. Don’t drink, inhale or get the stuff on you, you’ll be fine. Independent studies have said it’s safe. There is actually no proof one way or the other about cancer in humans. But it is a poison so don’t be stupid.

How do they stop deer, fox, rabbits, chipmunks, and every other animal out there from peeing or pooping on the graves and steeling things people leave? They don’t.

Or just don’t go hiking and stay out of tall grass areas. In your yard either treat it, put up a fence to cut down on deer, and/or cut/build a tic barrier around your property.

You’ve been sitting for a few hours, you can sit still for a few more minutes you won’t self combust.

Its my seat, I paid for it, I’ll recline if I want. And I don’t care if you don’t like it. Also its my seat, I paid for it, stop using it as a crutch to support you when you stand up yanking it backwards. Don’t bring luggage as a carry-on if you can’t physically pick it up above your head to put it in the overhead.

I don’t understand why people like to swim in the ocean? A large body of water that tons of other animals pee and poop in, factories dump shit in to and are full of animals that like to bite and nibble that you can’t see coming. Yeah not fun. Sand sucks also, forget about eating on the beach or else you are eating

The only tip anyone should take from this is you shouldn’t take work tips from the internet. This “article” could have been condensed to 3 words: “Know your audience”. It really is as simple as that.

Is there some article quota you needed to fill for this one?