
I was just going to post, stop serving alcohol on planes. Just flat out stop doing it. Hell remove it from airports also I’d be fine with that too.

I wish it were that simple. I should try it though and see if that leads to any negative feedback in reviews. Yes salaried but I always say I’m not paid to work 24/7/365. I’m paid to work M-F 9-5 minimum.

I’m going to opt out as soon as I can even though calculators say I qualify for 333 a month. I foresee many people ending up owing money next tax season due to this and not being able to pay it.

We have 2 healthy and happy daughters. I always only wanted 2 kids, makes us an even number for vacations and such. After have 2 kids and we had them when we were older we didn’t want to push our luck with a 3rd so I had the snip snip done to guarantee no more.

We don’t care. If they say something they need to use it in the right context, not just random words. So I’ll usually tell them that we shouldn’t say that but I give you props for using the word correctly.

These people are beyond hopeless. I completely disagree with trying to reason with them by asking them for the articles they read and giving them yours. They won’t read them. The best thing to do is find their facebook logins and delete their accounts permanently. Take their computers and phones away, replace the

Been to Disney way to many times to count. Was there right before pandemic declared, then was on a disney cruise when it was declared. The thing I would absolutely NOT do right now is plan a disney vacation until everything sorts itself out. Right now with restrictions on what takes place at the park it is nothing

Worst Parenting Advice is: Listening to family members giving you advice. Don’t take advice from anyone. The parent knows best, not someone else. When you have a kid the first thing everyone starts doing is “giving advice”. Ignore ALL of it.

They need people on these planes. Next thing you know they will be simply giving out tickets for $10 a ticket if things continue. If it wasn’t for covid I would jump on this but I’m not flying anywhere until the world is in a better place.

Don’t coupons just show up on the product page? You don’t need to go to a coupon page, just look for what you want to buy. If there is a coupon it’ll show up on the product page. I would never buy a renewed product on Amazon. Ugh who knows where those things came from. Maybe a better tip should be only buy products

I’m a hiring manager. I don’t care what your message is because we aren’t going to call you. Unless we can’t reach you via email. Its very rare that we are going to actually call you to talk to you. If you are doing an interview it’ll be a zoom or some other type of video interview. When the world corrects itself

I’m in the same boat. Built a new PC just recently with the latest and greatest hardware. So now I shutdown every night since a full boot up takes seconds.

Lets see, first payment went through fine, 2nd one has issues. WTF is the IRS doing. They did it right the first time.

Yesterday mine indicated I would get it yesterday, I didn’t. I checked today and it gave me the payment status not available. Although it has the info for the first payment and I got that fine. Seems like typical IRS mess to me.

None of this matters. There are too many idiots who got their medical degrees on facebook who don’t actually care about the truth. Just 2 days ago I had a stupid relative bring up the nurse fainting thing as if to point out the vaccine was dangerous. I replied “oh poor nurse got a shot and fainted, it happens” and

Yeah I stopped playing until this bug is fixed. Their response kind of pisses me off also. If they wanted to they could have put limits on inventory to avoid this showing up but they didn’t. There is no reason except laziness to have a bug like this exist these days. There is some obvious hard coded limit somewhere

Nowinstock is way too slow. It takes about 5 minutes of something being in stocked before you get a notification. For in demand items they are gone in seconds. You need to run or use a discord server that tracks for you to even get a fair chance.

Is this true though or just urban car legends that people don’t really have any proof of but just “think” its good practice? What about cars that sit on dealers lots for weeks and weeks without moving? I doubt the dealer is going out to dozens of cars to start and just periodically drive them around?

What this whole thing has shown is that some people care about others, some people don’t. What I’m finding is that people I THOUGHT cared about people actually don’t. People’s true colors are really being shown simply by who wears a mask and who doesn’t. What mask and non-mask wears also show simply by their actions

I’ve been fighting with stupid ass facebook people over this for weeks. The amount of crap that people believe is amazing. I don’t know if its because they’ve been told the last almost 4 years that the media is the enemy of the state or what but people seem to be getting dumber every week. Even if you present to them