Is Hailey Baldwin the one who was involved with Bieber? The bit from that one interview where the writer says something ab0ut how she was waiting in his hotel room for him—not watching TV, or reading, or doing shit on her phone, just sitting and waiting—haunts me
I know exactly what you mean. He should be attractive but.has the sexual chemistry of a rock. When I think about it (and thank you so much for this) he comes across as a one pump and done chump.who doesn’t do foreplay.
For my money, Jimmy Fallon is mediocre and cutesy.
Here are some photos of Kristen Wiig and her new boyfriend tongue-fencing on the sand.
I haven’t slept at all last night and I’m worse than Bobby at guessing blind items but I’m here for your educated guesses and amazing detective work.
But it seems like if you are going for a central location, you’d go for an actual central location, like Chicago. Or if you’re going to set up an office in Texas, you’d pick, well, any other city in Texas, unless you plan to not actually work as a sports agent and just hang out at taco stands. It was simply so random,…
She makes his hands look small.
Madeline Albright is so gangsta.
Super rich media folks in NY are their own party.
Seeing John & Jenna together reminds me of how it still bugs be that they had them move from Philadelphia, a city with 4 pro sports teams, to Austin, a city with no pro sports teams, for Jim’s job as a pro sports agent. Will Jim & Pam be broke and homeless if they ever do a reunion show?
I like how Liz Hurley color coordinated her outfit with the rhino. V. classy.
I might be giving her too much credit, but it seems like a very pragmatic decision. That was what she knew, and she was clearly looking for a better life than she had when modeling. Rich crappy guy who is a lot like her father? Makes a certain amount of sense. She already knew how to handle it and that was her frame…
I mean, I'm pretty sure they hate all women. But at least this one operates correctly by the rules as they understand them.
Honestly, I just find it sad all around.
I think she was engineered in an MRA-funded RedPill lab as a prototype of what horrible men want women to be - pretty, compliant, mostly silent, and willing to accept money as a replacement for personality, empathy, attractiveness, or pretty much any other human quality one might want in a partner.
Sounds like she’s well-trained in validating the reality of the narcissistic gasbags surrounding her throughout life. It's probably a survival instinct at this point.
Hey, 19th Century Freudian psychiatrist here. This is a classic case of Electra complex. I recommend a tincture of laudanum, sometime before the Cleveland convention.