
Just reading the headline and seeing the front of a Hardbody made me very, VERY happy.

I saw him perform some years ago while he was doing Chapelle Show and he was super funny.

“Actually you better watch your mouth white boy, before I stick these gators up your ass and show your insides some style!”

“Player Hater’s Ball” was such an underrated skit.

Charlie Murphy walks up to the Pearly Gates and as he enters, feels a tap on his shoulder. He turns around and take a blow to the forehead.

Or just buy a set of allen wrenches and throw the one that came with the furniture away. It more than likely was too short and caused your hand to cramp if you remember correctly.

Meh, so is the Honda F1 engine, probably.

When will MotoGP get proper canopies?

Finally. Hopefully we’re one step away from being able to view the entire race online (even if it costs $). Bernie went out of his way to ensure I couldn’t be a fan of F1 by banning the sport from the internet. I’ll gladly pay to watch F1, but only if it’s available online whenever the fuck I want to watch it. 

I saw the Buemi one on Facebook earlier today (shared by a friend that had shared it from the official F1 page), and I thought:
2) F1 video snippets posted BY F1? Whaaaaaaat?
3) F1 probably got a lot more coverage because of how many likes the video ended up with*

The course is just too tight in my opinion. There are almost no safe passing opportunities so every overtake is a gamble, and if that gamble doesn’t pay off there’s a chance of this happening, where the entire course is blocked.

[Tim Tebow hits a home run]

Is this the plot to the next Fast and Furious movie? Dom and crew turn into pirates and hijack the ships to prevent them from falling into enemy hands, then The Rock shows up for no reason and they drive cars from end to end at WOT, but it still takes 37 minutes?

Black US passports are used by US diplomats.

Nair: Removing hair and adding flair.

Look, I understand what’s meant by “mansplaining,” but my issue (that several individuals can’t seem to grasp) is that this term, along with any insults that they fling, automatically puts the target audience on the defensive and kills any fruitful discussion.

“race and ethnicity, education, experience, and location”

This tournament is one of the worst I have seen in years. Disappointing.

Anyone else think Gonzaga wins that game if the officials weren’t whistling every time someone took a breath? I know it rained on both sides, but a little harder on the Zags.