
This would require both a post-4th grade understanding of math(s) and a journalist’s desire to understand all the facts. Obviously she has neither.

No. It isn’t. It’s the earliest snowmelt since we’ve been keeping records. Ria please stop with these ERMERGARD! IT’S THE BLANKETY BLANKEST EVAR! articles.

I could rip the conclusions of this and the underlying article apart hysterical conclusion by hysterical conclusion, but what’s the use? I’ve done it before, spent a considerable amount of time only to have my response deleted because I made someone look like a fool.

The article deals with coral dissolution, not coral bleaching.

There’s also money in promoting it.

Because it's bullshit.

Oh, please. Are you saying that if someone doesn’t like this they don’t ‘get it’? Because I heard that shit 20 years ago when I didn’t like something and someone tried to tell me I didn’t ‘get it’, thus that’s why I didn’t like it.