
lol, you dont have a job, and you spend nearly every waking moment commenting on all Gawker and affiliate articles. You’re a leach on society as well as a piece of shit.

how do you live then if you don’t have an income?

Wonderful. You’re living off of disability and spending tax dollars commenting on Gawker articles nonstop. This is an example of why people are against entitlements, FYI.

And you are here at every single Gawker/Jezebel/Gizmodo thread. Do you have a fucking job? Jesus christ.

You need to be on the Olympic Gymnastics steam with those kind of moves.

Looks like the only one using the n word here is you buddy.

They don’t? You should check out the comments sections of Gawker/Jezebel sometime, especially on yesterday’s post about the shooting.

Kind of like how yesterday everyone assumed he was white

Please do lobotomize yourself. Also, don’t reproduce.

Cities adapt. Idiot chicken little’s put their hands in the air and scream bloody murder. Smart people solve problems.

We saw it in the West. All I saw were chicken little articles claiming that California was fucked. Instead they still had a record crop production. Huh, it’s almost like we can adapt to stuff instead of just throwing our hands in the air and saying ‘we’re soooooo fucked!’. If chicken little retards like yourself ran

Being a dry climate is different than being a hot climate. Try to keep up.

off yourself then

Psssst....crops do better in warmer weather than colder.

Population growth in this country is stagnant.

“But the truth of the matter—that we need to do much, much more to stop human-caused climate change from permanently altering life on Earth—is as inconvenient as ever.”

cool story

lots of white people at the gawker office
