
Also in the news: millennial dipshit fails to see meaning in anything, continues masturbating. More at 7

It’s an example of what I said, The first rule of propaganda is to demonize your opponent. If done wildly successful you shut down discussion and debate completely before it starts. if only moderately successful you brand your opponent a filthy demonic pig whose opinions arent worthy of consideration, again

Maddie, I challenge you to respond to the fact that climate “experts” such as Hansen have been a complete failure yet you blindly post, almost daily, climate alarmism B.S. If not then you are a climate sheeple unwilling to look as the horrible failure of the ridiculous predictions. A number of “experts” have stated

More bullshit from stone and gizmodo. Nobody is denying climate, nobody is denying climate change, the climate is changing all the time it’s either getting warmer or getting cooler, nothing stays the same.

People on gawker were absolutely railing against white cis male entitlement yesterday. The shooter is brown, and all criticisms of the shooter’s culture quickly disappear.

Thank you for pointing out the real tragedy here, instead of focusing on those who died.

Exactly. I really don’t trust people who can’t tell the difference between a Sikh and a Muslim to care about this guy’s specific ethnicity or nationality. The major religion in Kenya is Christianity (82%) and yet there are people still totally convinced Obama is Muslim because he is a brown man with a “weird” name

Free speech is freedom from government intervention, not freedom from a rich dude funding a legitimate lawsuit against you. When Peter Thiel becomes President, this is a legitimate gripe.

You really expect to find that on Gawkamodo?

That’s why you just have to start ignoring the articles after awhile. We will either adapt to a warmer climate or human life will perish. Somehow I think we’ll learn to adapt. It’s pointless to try to get all of humanity to turn it around because it isn’t going to happen. Accept it and move on.

If “anthropogenic climate change” (used to be “anthropogenic global warming” until the temperature rise halted) is going to continue to be a crisis that justifies government intrusion into every aspect of our lives, they have to keep flogging the apocalyptic pronouncements — each year is “the hottest year since

This piece is pretty dramatic alarmism. And goalpost shifting.

The Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene and Pliocene were warmer so out of the last 225 million years 1.6 million years were cooler than it is today.

Please stop using that 99% number. It’s based on a very flawed survey. The real number is somewhere between 48/52%. I can’t remember which way the tilt actually bends.

I’m starting to take these global warming article with grains of salt. Im not saying I don’t think its real. I’m just saying stop publishing things making it seem like doomsday is nigh. Because if we pay attention to the media, sea levels are going to rise by 30 feet in 3 years because pieces of the polar ice caps the

SO? there is nothing we can do about it!, what’s with the panic then? I remember 2006 and where I live it was a hotter year than this year, we are having nicer weather and more rains in the last couple of years, so if all this is consequence of the global warming/climate change, I welcome it.

Gore’s Predictions Fall Flat

The report in yesterday’s Daily Mail concerns the extent of the ice cap covering the Arctic. Gore had warned in 2007 while accepting the Nobel Peace Prize that within seven years the ice cap would vanish in summer. However, satellite photographs confirm that not only has the ice not vanished, in the last two years it