Mr. Malaise

Snow chains or snow tires for the most part.

Not to mention that the Crown Vic is very spacious inside thanks to its overall dimensions and column shifter, has a monstrously-sized trunk, has a RWD powertrain that is quite conducive to high speed maneuvering/driving styles, has excellent outward visibility (especially as compared to its modern competition with

I know you’re joking, but the Grumman LLVs were built in the US and I’d say that they’re pretty damn reliable given their service life!

Me likey!

I think that’s one of the better design aspects actually - gives the front end a nice contrast IMO.

Not to fear - there are dozens of us that like this truck. DOZENS!

Probably the same guy that did NYC’s sanitation trucks. I’d like to think that their inspiration are raccoon eyes/masks, and I have no problem with that.

The beauty of this design is that 1) it’s likely to be manufactured to a higher standard in terms of reliability, and 2) it will likely be manufactured for a little while with little to no change in the product line, the same of which cannot be said for the average consumer vehicle.

This thing looks awesome. If they sold a civvie version I’d buy one in a heartbeat. The visibility and cargo space look top notch, and the big bumpers ensure that no one can damage the thing while parking. I dig it. And the raccoon eyes are great too.

Ah, I’ve gotcha. And the trim rings do complete the look IMO - they look especially sharp with all of the other chrome on the MGM.

What a beaut’. Glad that it gave you some fond memories. :D

Well said!

Believe it or not, the panther platform cars can attain impressive fuel economy when on the highway. 27MPG wouldn’t surprise me in the list bit. Considering that most of the driving with mine is in the city, however, I don’t usually get to enjoy that.

Thanks, and you’re right; whoever had it before definitely took care of it. I believe that wheel size change occurred with the 2006 model year, from 16" to 17" (but the Town Cars and Marauders may have had the 17's as early as 2003). The shiny hubcaps fit far too well, but I will admit that the steel wheels with trim

Thanks. Glad to hear that you’ve been enjoying yours, and that it’s been good on roadtrips! Highway driving really is the strongsuit of these yachts, and simply floating down the road is like no feeling in the world. Mine is actually a used street appearance package P71, and those are steel wheels with the ‘03-’05

That would be an LTD Country Squire, and +1 to that!

Nothing beats the cruising capabilities of classic American barges, that’s why!

Congrats on the ‘Vic! I know I love mine, and will probably replace it with another, or a Grand Marquis/Town Car if New England winters get to it.

What a beauty, and the color is gorgeous as well. May she bring you many years of comfy cruising - my panther soaks up potholes with ease!