
“Can people just say stuff like this without any kind of consequences?”

As fucking vile as Fox News’ fake reports are, I could see legislation designed to crack down on shit like this running afoul of the first amendment really quickly.

Can people just say stuff like this without any kind of consequences? Fox is supposed to be a news outlet. Even with a conservative slant, there still have to be rules about this kind of thing, right?

I get what you’re saying and that certainly would have been a way they could have gone. That said, Disney is a business and the moment they announced the originals would be there, the success of TFA was set in motion. It was inevitably going to be a blockbuster because of that. But, the business aspect aside, I still

Just tell these Star Wars fans that Jar Jar Binks is clearly the best character in the entire Star Wars universe and that all the films obviously need more scenes involving galactic trade negotiations. They will appreciate you for your honesty and shower you with adulation.

Why on earth would you watch episode 6, 7, and 8 in a row? The last movie in a trilogy followed by the first and middle entries in a follow-up trilogy? Of course it would feel cynical after a movie that wraps up a trilogy with an Ewok party and a movie that is primarily a nostalgia-fest. It wouldn’t make any sense to

They didn’t address Darth jar jar. I think we should All refuse to go to work tomorrow

Then the internet is the right place for you.

Then you’re Evil Abed.

These loudest and most abrasive fans (many of whom often sound like they hate the thing they profess to love, or at least any part of it that’s not frozen in the amber of their cherished memories from youth) tend to share one trait: that reception to pop culture is an all-or-nothing proposition.

No. You’re demonstrably wrong. I have the best take on Star Wars, and everyone who disagrees is a dumb idiot who didn’t get it. Those people should just turn in their fandom badges and stop polluting my rarefied air with their ungainly lung spasms. I have a youtube video out where I clearly explain what obviously went

Now I’m imagining Sinatra jumping off the roof with the fire hose, shouting “now we’re swinging!”

That line from the script isn’t actually in the final movie though. In the scene in question, as shot, Hans doesn’t tell Theo the FBI plan (and apparently Theo doesn’t already know it, which is odd, but whatever). Theo tells him about the locks and says the last one is out of his hands, and Hans replies vaguely that

Fun fact - because Frank Sinatra had portrayed Det. Leland in the film The Detective, he has it in his contract that he had to be in any negotiations for sequels, and so before they could offer the film to Willis (or any of the action stars who passed on it before he was cast), Sinatra had to say no. So there’s a

Maybe you should watch the movie again, because the FBI involvement was key to the whole plan, from enabling the robbery itself to playing off their by the book responses to allow them to escape.

It’s a reversal of the book. In the book they are eco-terrorists pretending to be thieves.

And now if Mueller does get an indictment on the Orange $hitstain, we can all say “you wanted a miracle? I give you the F....B....I”

Funny, Isaw the book at a used bookstore for 50 Cent.

One thing they need to do is make Superman an actual character rather then a blank slate for other characters to project their philosophies. This has been a problem since Superman Returns and has gotten even worse when Snyder took the helm and injected him with Objectivist philosophies that contradict who Superman

“Warner Bros. is rethinking its DC movies in the wake of ____”