
I think it’s worth pointing out that the extended version of Return of the King is 4 hours and 11 minutes (4 hours and 23 minutes if you count the fan club credits).

No, the Ultimate Edition of Watchmen runs 3 hours and 35 minutes, 27 minutes shorter than Justice League.

Yeah, they only explained it after the fact.

As someone who didn’t like Man of Steel or Batman v Superman, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed Zack Snyder’s Justice League. Yes, it was bloated and self-indulgent, but if it was cut down to around three hours, it would zip right along. I really liked the added character stuff for Cyborg, the Flash, and

I think the idea with Silas Stone is that he realized that if he took the time to step outside of the chamber Steppenwolf would be able to tear through it and grab the Mother Box before he could turn on the laser/particle beam/whatever the hell it was. It worked better for me than Pa Kent saying, “Nah, chill. I’ll

I’d seen the theatrical cut, and I mainly liked all of the stuff with Cronenberg. Unfortunately, I just didn’t think it worked as a whole. Then I heard that there was an assembly cut version that was touring different festivals, and I was excited to see what the original vision was. I was disappointed by it, however,

I remember Cabal’s descriptions of the denizens of Midian as being more magical and mysterious. The one that sticks out the most in my mind is the guy who bursts into a flock of birds when looked at. Unfortunately, the monsters in Nightbreed felt more like exaggerated carnival freaks.

My only misgiving about the director’s cut is that this ending is entirely omitted. I’m pretty sure it was a reshoot that was added at the behest of the studio, but I think that turned out to be a good note.

It was shot that way because Snyder conceived of the movie as an IMAX experience. He couldn’t shoot with IMAX cameras, so he went with full frame 35mm instead since its aspect ratio was so similar to that of IMAX screens. This means that, when the theatrical cut was released, part of the top and bottom of the picture

Honestly, I think that if WB had just scrapped Snyder’s JL completely and had Whedon start from scratch, it would have been a much better movie. Unfortunately, there’s no way WB was about to blow that much money, so Whedon had to work with what he was given.

I used to have a fan edit of Attack of the Clones that reduced the running time by about 40 minutes. It was greatly improved.

“I’m not a cat, Lord Darkseid.”

Just watch Spike Lee’s remake of Oldboy.

Warner Bros. did have a Cyborg movie on their proposed slate (initially planned to be released last year), so Fisher wouldn’t have been the only one thinking it would happen.

I guess it’s the use of the word “hate” that gets me. I’ve watched plenty of bad movies that I felt affection for because of how entertaining they were in one way or another. The movies or TV shows I think of when I hear/read the word “hate” are the ones I wish I’d never seen and made me feel upset over the time I

Over time, you forget how grueling those days really were, and begin to credit your own ability to survive them to an inner toughness that can curdle into pitilessness toward your own entry-level employees: “I put up with this, why shouldn’t you?”

She’d also previously referred to his behavior as "Very. Not. Appropriate," which implies that it was definitely not just a studio rule, and that it was specifically Whedon, not just any male cast or crew members.

I seen to remember Whedon alluding to the idea of killing off Jenny Calendar because Robia LaMorte pissed him off and saying something to the effect of, “And this was a good lesson to the cast that they shouldn’t make me angry because I can write them out of the show." I think he said it with a joking tone (which

Edlund also created The Tick, so yeah, it was great to see him get more work.

Oh, wow, I didn't realize that Grimm was the only thing of note that Greenwalt has gone on to. I always really liked his work on Angel, and I figured he'd be one of the writer/producers who'd move to more prestige projects.