
Spurs are a very good team that can play attractive football, and have a long history. Unfortunately they have also had very bad luck, and are currently overshadowed by bigger ie “richer” London clubs like Chelsea and Arsenal.

Jack the lad, shouldn’t you be resting your ankle right now instead of worring about Spurs for a change.

I actually do not believe that is the case I think they changed the qualifying rule after Chelsea dumped Spurs a few years ago. I think it applies for Europa too, but I could be wrong.

Fair enough, I probably read it wrong, it’s easy to misinterpt things.

It is unfortunate that PETA is so polarizing. Some of the information they provide is useful for a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle , but thier stance on pets is beyond absurd and offputting.

Full disclosure I am a vegitarian my wife is now vegan, but I find this comment weird.. “oh my god, animal have feelings”

As a fellow Wisconsin resident I would rather have the train that the Governor killed instead.

Oh that’s easy Scott Walker maths.

Whoa you just blew my mind, I didn’t know this.

Not that I want to split hairs here as I know it’s only banter, but the irony of West Ham claiming to be better club, well I’ll just leave this here....

Nope I am just saying it was demoralizing as a change to your appearance has a significant impact on your psyche, and I say that as man who made that choice to serve in the military. I would imagine it was even worse for a girl who had been assaulted by her father.

I am going to ask you how is cutting his daughter’s hair like this reasonable? I would like to understand how you find that OK, but posting the video is not as she will be embarrassed every time she goes out in public. Shaving her head is just as humiliating as posting the video.

Now playing

Real Madrid fans are the worst agreed, however Arsenal fans are pretty annoying as well.

I just watched the trailer for this on youtube.

I had a dadbod, hated it but thought well it’s inevitable I’m over 40 now. I tried to keep it at bay by running, lifting weights, and playing soccer and it just would not go away.

I’m sure the Sheik is pretty upset about Adebayor’s wages. He probably had to dive into the cushions of his couch twice to find the coinage that he had accidentally dropped from his robe to pay Ade’s yearly salary.

I have two tips that work for me on hills, I normally try to run with a mid-foot strike on flat surfaces, when running up hills I try to land on my heels, this reduces calf pain I experience when running up hills (I have really tight hamstrings).

I still cannot for the life of me figure out why Feingold didn't run. It makes my brain hurt.

To be fair the Democrats put Barrett up against him twice and Burke the third time and neither of them were very appealing. I voted for them but not because they filled my heart with glee, but for my utter dislike of Walker.

I live in Wisconsin, and even I can't figure it out.