
I see some of this stuff happening in PS3 multiplayer games, especially one with a diverse number of members playing The Last of Us (American, European, Asian, South American, etc.). I used to see this stuff in some popular PC games like CS:S. Any multiplayer game that gets big will have its fair share of "online

In this particular case, Sony IS showing how great they are WHILE putting down the Xbox when it comes to the indie release policy.

Local multiplayer is cool, but I prefer online multiplayer ue to bigger diversity playing with players around the world. That's just me though

I always assume they troll and talk a bunch because part of a game is the mindgame. They want you heated so you can make easier mistakes. Two can play at that game though, since I don't let it personally bother me and bite them back into submission :D

I'm not sure about the later two, but I definitely dig the first one for sure. Something about that screams elegance.

I'm not really sure about the art style change, but at least they let you retain the classic...


Intrestin read and perspective

Or read books on your phone instead. Checkmate?

As someone who digs casual gaming on mobile, I actually like some of these ideas.

No Live a Live?

Damn man all this work to get lighting done right...

Is this live action or CGI?

I must be the only person who doesn't think it's a bad idea to put down other companies so you can make yourself look good ahead of the competition. It's a fight for who can get the most money. Sega does what Nintendon't, remember? Tretton's remarks over the years seems tame in comparison.

Leaving a sinking ship eh?

Well this sucks, I think. Wonder what tensions were going on.

LOL noice

LOL noice

Very creative and hot beat! Funny, but also great at the same time