
I liked Quantum Conundrum quite a bit, just not John DeChanlcie as the narrator. Loved him as Q, but he was a too subdued for me in the game.

Pretty fucking thick. "Oh yeah, we've released the entire Final Fantasy series many times over to massive sales in NA, the most popular SNES games of all time were JRPGs like Chrono Trigger, FF6, Fire Emblem, and Earthbound, the PS1 took off in the United States almost solely due to Final Fantasy 7, and became a

Next is Gabe Newell saying that Half Life 3 was secretly being developed as an Oculus Rift exclusive but is now canceled because of the Facebook deal.

It doesn't and I find your desire to take the high road angle dull as hell

Well, that just killed my interest in the Oculus Rift. "Most social platform ever". Am I seriously the only game who hates everything becoming more "social"? I don't care for online multiplayer and I keep my online status hidden on everything. Is it so wrong to want to just enjoy games alone?

That's the point. EA was trying to make the company better by giving them a nicer office space and a bigger HR department, but as Molyneux argues, that changed the culture of the company, and wound up hurting them in the long run. As an outsider, it's tempting to believe that EA is an evil empire that *wants* to

That seems to make it worse though. If you take away some of the fun at work, your creativity goes down. EA making it better is just turning people into drones that can't just mess around every now and then, making it more corporate...

How about instead of insulting people to throw them off, you could just, y'know, play better?

I see your point, well to be fair I've never PM's something out of rage, I do rage sometime, but if I get upset all I do is leave the match or stop playing, so I guess that I don't encounter douches because I'm not around them and I'm not one.

I don't know dude, I used to have an Xbox and I played Battlefield 3, Halo series and Assassin's Creed multiplayers (B and R) in there, then when I had some trouble with my gold subscription I switched to PS3, in which I play Battlefiled 3, 4 and Still all the AC multiplayers, and I gotta say that I feel WAAY less

Is that... Supposed to be lava? That looks like fucking Halo: Combat Evolved textures.

Runs in PC browser, still better then Watchdogs graphics on PS4/Xbox One.

Water Temple Run is actually not a bad idea. Like the source material, you never beat it, it just gets harder as you go along.

Here's my bit of speculation .... they wanted her to write a game based on the Uncharted movie script they've approved, and she told them thanks, but no thanks. They said "That wasn't a request", and she said "See ya ........."

As much as I'm amused by the Nintendon't thing, it's generally considered bad marketing if you have to rely on insulting the competition to sell your product, because it sends a message to everyone else that you aren't good enough on your own. It says "we're weak."

Yeah, I tried reading the whole article, but I only comprehended maybe 50% of it. And when you read an article like this and you see all that a group of people had to do just to create the lighting in a game, you realize how much work goes into a game, and how incredible it is when a game like Bioshock Infinite

I tried reading a couple sentences, but I ended up just scrolling till I saw some pics. Did a few "ooh's" and "ahh's" and reminded myself I'll never be as good as these professionals lol

tl;dr version: smart people are smart.

Did you guys see the tweet he did regarding Twitch Plays Pokemon, stating that this was Nintendo's first successful online multiplayer game? Lol.