
Have you been to a Gamestop lately? I picked up groceries and some power steering fluid while looking for some Splatoon Amiibo reissues the other day.

I don’t give a shit about what anyone else thinks- Pikmin is one of my all-time favorite video game series and has never failed to lull me into a sense of zen and calm even as I try to rally all of my little buds before night falls and the creatures eat them. I am as excited for this as I am for the new Zelda or

Nintendo is a Japanese company. Sexual Harassment and sexual discrimination is still seen as the norm and perfectly ok. Unlike here in the US where its still the norm but people get mad if it gets out for about 20 minutes.

That’s only true if you believe that Microsoft’s model will make things better for the consumer, which not everyone agrees with. Microsoft absorbing yet another large scale studio does not increase competition. Microsoft owning more of the IP market is not competition, it is consolidation. They are attempting to make

It’s also amazing to me that the headline tries to give the impression that the game has a lot of technical issues, when in fact Digital Foundry seems really impressed by what it pulls off, especially compared with past games in the series:

It’s been on my radar (and my wish list) since its release on Switch.
“big Toy Story vibes here” I guess I’m the only that remembers Small Soldiers, then. T_T

So either they completely misread why the GTA remasters were received poorly... or the GTA4/RDR remasters were looking just as bad.

You know what sucks? Working a 12 hour day on freelance rates to single-handedly run a website, and spending most of that time trying to highlight unknown indie games, to then find the only comment under a review of a properly great game deserving of wide attention is some sneering wankery complaining about a slightly

Holy grammarcide, Batman!

Leave it to the cryptobros to promise a computing device that will never run Doom.

I, too, want Elon to french-kiss me for defending him on Kotaku.

Counter-offer - how about everyone just leaves twitter instead? It’s a garbage platform that exists only to monetize data about its users. 

Am I the only one who thinks that “menstrual leave” is a discriminatory and a little derogatory thing to offer? Call me an entitled European if you must, but sick leave should not entail giving away why you need it. There is not “twisted ankle” leave, there is no “snotty nose and diarrhea leave” and there shouldn’t be

I stopped playing a couple weeks ago—just wasn’t enjoying myself anymore, too much of the game felt like a step backward to make up for the things I did like—but I’m heartened to see somebody with clout and a voice speak out against that toxic “git gud” mentality. Maybe it’ll get through to some people.

IMO singleplayer (and coop) games embracing:

My four year old is SMITTEN with Kirby following this game. The ‘spring-breeze’ mode is perfect for the little ones and makes this an easy recommendation to anyone shopping for a youngling.

His newfound adoration for Kirby has convinced me to buy a 3ds this Christmas so he can play the entries there, too.

There’s literally nothing about this game that’s open-world, though. They’re all just discrete levels, like Mario 3D World.

I would have personally preferred if they reduced the spawn frequency but kept the damage, but I understand not wanting to keep it at a strength where it outclasses the shotgun that thoroughly. 

Welp, now I have even less reason to come back to Infinite.