Mr. LHD6


Haha, yes, "not procrastinating," a lesson I will never learn! In fact, I am procrastinating right now!

"Grok each other?" Using Heinlein's "Stranger in a Strange Land," I see? Good show (*gently claps*).

"Considering they're not just into each other, but they've been into each other as Stevonnie" (giggity).

So if Jake was representing the voice of the writer's, will that mean that they have just spelled out their doom? Even when I am frustrated by the creative directions the writers take, I can't stop watching it, guh.
Was it just me, or did the episode give off a Snowpiercer vibe? Also, Cheryl's voice was perfect, with

I think it is impossible for Steven to be a jerk as a teenager.

Beach City seems more like a SoCal kind of place, which makes the snowfall kind-of out-of-place. But that wasn't important at all, because the adorableness that is Steven and Connie is too great!
Also, how old are they? They seem more like 11 or 12, although supposedly Rebecca Sugar has stated that Steven is 8 or 9.

Yes, probably so. Adventure Time isn't about the plot, it is a pure character study. However, it is hard to remember it as such when they have so many plot arcs that have been ignored for multiple months to years at a time. This is the show's greatest weakness; The creative team constantly creates new plot arcs

The character interactions were amusing, but the anti-climax really brought the episode down. I don't think I would be that frustrated with this episode if it weren't for the months of hiatus.

I already did!

Please, enlighten me on what you think Adventure time is.

They have so many open plot arcs, that I don't think completing one is going to prevent them from making another season of episodes.

They already established that he was a dick when they were at the Citadel. This episode fell flat on its face compared to "Astral Plane" and "Gold Star." The only reason I could see the pointlessness of this episode was because they wanted to have a parallelism between Finn's disappointment of having a shitty father,

Honestly, "The Visitor" was absolutely atrocious. The writers really obviously avoided exposition, and the episode suffered for it. We waited 9 months, and all we got was a rather pointless episode, conveniently putting Martin out of the picture so that we will have to wait several months to find out anything else.

Wow… Nickelodeon seems so excited to be tying their own noose by ending Legend of Korra (their only good show) so quickly. If Nickelodeon is really that keen on going bankrupt by 2015, then it's no skin off my nose. They deserve to crash and burn…
I never thought I would be saying this, but I am slowly regaining

Just dress up as Princess Leia for Jury Duty. If you are a guy, then that will be even better!

You watch your mouth boy, we don't take too kindly to idiots like you.

P'Li's died from having her head vaporized by her own explosion! That doesn't seem like the sweetest of endings for her…

If you want a game like that, there is one being made right now: http://store.steampowered.c…
It is still very, very early in development and is not that great graphically, but it has the type of 'bending' you are looking for.

Such a bizarre concept of a show… What a strange, strange world we live in.