Mr. LHD6

While that is entirely possible, Xai Bao was presented as this wise, older fellow who felt that the White Lotus was deviating too far from its original purpose. Generally, a younger generation seeks to deviate from a traditional mindset/purpose in a way that is progressive with the time. That progressive mindset is

They should have just restrained Korra like the Earth Kingdom army did-Hannibal style.

Well, he is probably in prison now, so there isn't really much room for him to create an opposing school.

I actually laughed my ass off when P'Li died, not because it was stupid, but because it was so over-the-top that her death caught me off guard. Yes, I am a sick fuck.

I am not arguing that Season 1 is better than Season 3, book 3 was by far the best for LOK.

No, It wasn't Azula. Every vague piece of dialogue does not have to be a reference to the original series, you know.

Yeah, its my most anticipated game of 2014 right now. I have always enjoyed Platinum Games work (as well their previous studio at Capcom, Clover Studios, before it was shut down). The only way I would not get the game is if it is a broken, really buggy mess in all honesty. As much as I hate Activision, I have to

Yeah, I mean, it seems a little too convenient (granted the poison did look exactly like mercury) that the poison was metal. It might be possible for a highly-skilled metalbender to get the mercury out, although mercury itself gets quickly absorbed by the organs such as the brain and kidneys, so I can't imagine that

Not sure if you wanted Korra to die because you hate the character, or if you just thought the story would have been stronger and have more impact if she did die… Hopefully it is the latter of the two.

It's not like Dynasty Warriors whatsoever! It's an action game with the the complexity in combat similar to Bayonetta and Metal Gear Rising (read: very deep and intricate combo system in combat). Dynasty Warriors doesn't have really any complexity to its combat, so no, it is no where near the kind of game Dynasty

Whatever fits your style man. I am just happy that Platinum games is making the game. I never thought my dreams would come true. Heh, funny story actually, I made a game design document a couple of years ago for the Legend of Korra with detailed specifics on how to do the combat (fast-paced third-person hack-n-slash

Right, sorry, my comment came off more assholish than I intended. I get what you are saying, with the making a weakness a strength, but I am assuming that her current state is more depression and trauma than a disability such as being paralyzed from the waste down (That would be interesting though, but I can't imagine

Shit, there isn't a relatable quote by Guru Laghima for this type of stuff!

It seemed like the dynamism of the movements were reversed, with Korra being aggressive like Ozai (doesn't mean that I think she is like Ozai in personality or that she is evil or anything) and Zaheer being nimble like Aang in movement, and it was awesome. Korra's movements seriously made me think of the Hulk in how

For a moment, I thought the ceremony was going to be that everyone was going to watch her get the tattoos… Which would have been really weird since the tattoos cover her whole body…

Great final episodes! P'Li's death was incredibly shocking-I loved it! The final battle(s) was fantastic! I also liked the seen where the Northern Air Temple collapsed in on itself, and how the scene really conveyed Tenzin's emotions (Feeling that all is lost and the air nation will never be the same again). And, I

Well, its published by Activision, and they are the absolute worst when publishing games that aren't Call of Destiny: Skylanders. That being said, I know that Platinum Games will do as much as they can with the game and making it as best as it can be with the amount of money given for development.

Yes, the review said that.

I can see it now, Director's Cut unrated edition! It will show the whole P'Li death scene with the explosion. The metal was blown off from the explosion and the explosion decapitated her.