Mr. LHD6

But Unalaq from Season 2 was sooooo cliche! He didn't have a sympathetic motive, he didn't really have any motive other than "I want power!" He was more cliche than Ozai!

She could have water with her in a "bottle." If you look at the animations, her basic water-bending moves have her using the same stream of water. I am not too concerned about the water-bending from a source thing, I just want the combat to be deeper than God of War and closer to Metal Gear Rising or Bayonetta, which

Ehhhh, no. Being blind is not the same as being poisoned and depressed. Why do you assume that because Toph is blind, that makes her able to help someone with severe depression?

It was kind of weird to suddenly give her that kind of focus. It made me feel like it was a reference to reveal she is someone's kid from ATLA.

There weren't any red crystals, there were only green crystals… You may be a little colorblind….

The best kind of game for the avatar series! I'm calling it right now, the final boss will be the ghost of Amon. Given Metal Gear Rising's final boss, I am dead serious.

Xai Bau is probably dead. I don't mean to rain over your parade, but he was probably an older individual like Iroh, so I think he probably died of old age. I do realize that some people in that universe can live over 150 years old though, so you never know

I agree with you about the quality of Book 2, but Book 1 was much stronger than Book 2… Although yes, there were things that Book 1 dropped the ball on. Amon was a great villain, but the problem is that the writers didn't really capitalize on the prospect of bender oppression. They did a poor job of portraying Amon's

Hey author, Oliver! You do know that they are making a Legend of Korra game, right? Usually, I would pass it off as a cheap-cash in…. and it might be… But it is being made by PLATINUM GAMES! THE BEST ACTION GAME DEVELOPERS AROUND, THEY KNOW HOW TO MAKE A FANTASTIC FIGHTING SYSTEM (look at Bayonetta, Bayonetta 2, and

I don't question the impact Friends had on the concept of the sitcom, but I really think that Seinfeld was the real game-changer for modern comedy (Just my opinion, if you disagree, feel free to add in your thoughts). As this article counter-intuitively pointed out, Seinfeld established the guidelines that many (if

If Tenzin dies, then who is going to hire Peter Parker to take pictures of Spiderman?

I… What?

Other than Bumi's spirit friend, the other spirits don't really give a damn about humans. They didn't ask to be brought into the physical world, and unless the humans are interfering with them, the spirits prefer to keep to themselves (at least the ones who could actually help).

Actually… Kai did not beat P'Li whatsoever. He airbended at her to keep her from blowing the group up (or the bridge to the bison most likely), but it isn't like he got into the airship, and started fighting her and then beating her. He just distracted her.

I am really glad that the writers finally gave Tenzin a badass fight scene longer than 15 seconds! This was a fantastic episode all around.