Mr. LHD6

Aug Lives Matter is an incredibly lazy slogan to make up. Unfortunately, the decision to include a stupid slogan like that harms the game. Rather than people judging the game's depiction of prejudice by the quality of the writing, people are simply dismissing the story because "MY POLITICS DON'T LINE UP WITH THIS

So you're saying that even those who face prejudice can be bigots? I mean, that is definitely a thing that happens (and what a lot of people conveniently ignore).

I know, it's annoying when people start with "Am I the only one," but my criticism seems like a minority opinion here. Even the reviewer notices this, but for some reason calls it a good thing that they cram multiple plot points into the episode. Steven's guilt feels too forced because he immediately has a problem

Was I the only one that thought this episode had poor pacing?

Wow. You seriously think Trump would set women's and minorities' rights back 100 years? He will be the president, not el presidente. The democrats and the GOP are so fervently against him, he would be one of the most powerless presidents in American history.

That is probably accurate… I guess.

Plus, the fact that the father didn't even want Corey coming with him in the first place. I think Corey hid himself while they traveled.

I used to watch this show quite a bit "back in the day." I enjoyed it, but it is probably almost as bad as the crap that is on today.

That promo trailer was trying way too hard to be edgy.

Maybe she will try to fuse with the Cluster?

or Clarence.

Really? You're going to use Daredevil as an example of weak female characters? Elektra and Karen Page? They are pretty good characters (Karen Page was alright in season 1, but much better in season 2)!

Perhaps I don't understand the (bullshit) nuances of attraction, but I agree with Jake. That was a dumb excuse.

One of Jesse Moynihan's most reserved episodes, although maybe Sam Alden kept the episode from getting too pretentious.

I am not crazy about Max Landis, but I do agree with him that Rey is a little bit too perfect in the film.


What's wrong with him?

Yeah, usually he forces in monologues that cater to his own philosophical musings uncharacteristically onto Finn.

Meelo from Legend of Korra. I HATE that kid. I could quote AM from "I have no Mouth, and I Must Scream" to express how much I HATE Meelo! He is the horrible attempt at comedy whose very presence ruins any episode he is in (Plus the insufferable fart jokes, good lord the fucking fart jokes that ruin any and all scenes,
