
Here’s how I’m thinking this is going to go:

Hahahaha I know Konstantin! He shared an office with my sister at CalTech. Good dude. Shreds a mean guitar.

You can price-match within 15 days (the return policy). I used to work at BBY, you’ll be 100% in the right to ask for the difference back to your card!

You can price-match within 15 days (the return policy). I used to work at BBY, you’ll be 100% in the right to ask

Dude. You’re totally right.

No clue why my phone wanted that to be upside-down...

I just invited her to see it with my friends and me on Opening Night. Over Twitter. You know.

I have a 6-ish year old Panasonic 3D Plasma. I love it.



AoS has been pretty damn consistently good since Winter Soldier affected the MCU.

An artist’s rendition of Uranus’ tilt

Now playing

A dramatization of what that would have looked like:

From a Marine Biology textbook from one of my classes:

Thank you. Yeah, wasn’t aware there was so much disdain for her, she was friggin fantastic in “Pushing Daisies”.


You’re a good dude, Mr. Narcisse. And, seemingly, an awesome dad.

Keep it up, you have your legions of fans rooting for ya

Saw the movie yesterday. Read this critique today.


This movie was a gotdam delight and I laughed my tuchus off.

This makes me so bloody angry. Fuck the fucking fuck out of those thieving fucks.