
The thing that seems to drive critics of this game crazy is the misguided notion that you have to do EVERYTHING. You don’t. That’s the beauty of it. You can do as much or as little as you want. You can play the story or not. You can just hop around looking at weird planets and exploring. You can do whatever. Play six

What day do you think the great sky papi created these?

Could be worse; he could be a snarky internet commenter :-D

how is that depressing? JDF loves doing it. he’s probably the world biggest Power Rangers fan.

Me wait ALL YEAR for this moment. ALL YEAR.

What do you do when your country can’t even agree on reality?

Take a gander at anyone with a MAGA hat and get back to me.

Something something emails, vagina, Pizzagate, emails, Benghazi.

Nobody cares.

Imagine being so insecure that a fake woman holding a position of authority in a videogame made you uncomfortable. I'm not at all surprised that their celebacy is involuntary.

At least the Republicans have never claimed to be the party of morality, law & order or fiscal responsibility.

Or perhaps it’s because Jodie is a spectacular actor?

Agree! I’ve not properly read the article or the comments yet but had to sign up to complain about the way the toilet roll is hanging. Paper has to hang from the front!

I’m much more concerned with the way that roll of toilet paper is put on the hanger thingy.  It’s backwards you animal!

He also had to defeat Captain America before he defeated Superman. Then he fought Egg from Arrested Development.

Now playing

So now Scott Pilgrim is that guy who used to date Captain Marvel and had to take out Superman because of it, with an assist from The Punisher. And this is after taking out Captain America.

DC Doesn’t Know What to Do With Cyborg

Now playing

I was hoping it would have sang Soundgarden.