
This..... really um.... sheesh it makes me thristy af.

I think Kit confused his experiences on camera with real life.

my gay perspective: not once was it mentioned this person is a male, and all the lyrics could easily apply to a woman.

Anyone here find it ironic to be using an app(and paying for extra features) to...monitor yourself to make sure you’re not spending too much on subscriptions?

No Yankee Candle? Really?

No Yankee Candle? Really?

ACA is the law, and the president can’t unilaterally violate the law. This move shouldn’t stand up in court any more than his travel ban did.

Please do not forget that Michelle Visage is also on The Bodyguard soundtrack, track 9.


Spare us your sanctimonious judgement. There is nothing wrong with wanting to see the episode as it was intended to be seen.

He looks fine as hell with that blonde hair. FINE.AS.HELL.

All around Bannon’s face

Knit pants?! Have you never seen houndstooth?!?!?!?!?!?!

It will preserve the beloved mortgage interest tax break for homeowners—

That’s NOT what the film is about. It’s about how we, as human beings, selfishly exploit the hell out of mother earth. If you stayed for the credits, there’s a very clear explanation for who Javier Bardem’s character represents.

Cold brew coffee MAKER?

Cold brew coffee MAKER?

Or just use a large jar, or a pitcher, or a french press.

Or just use a large jar, or a pitcher, or a french press.

This makes terrible cold-brew coffee, and is a pain in the ass to clean up. I’m back to just using a cup and a coffee filter. Works so much better.

This makes terrible cold-brew coffee, and is a pain in the ass to clean up. I’m back to just using a cup and a

I must be doing something wrong, bu I’m distinctly underwhelmed by mine:

I must be doing something wrong, bu I’m distinctly underwhelmed by mine: