Seriously? Stand up and walk? Was this article necessary? Are people really that stupid nowadays?
Seriously? Stand up and walk? Was this article necessary? Are people really that stupid nowadays?
Under Armours CEO is pro Trump and very vocal about it. If you don’t want to be associated with the biggest moron to win an election, I would recommend funding something else to wear.
Under Armours CEO is pro Trump and very vocal about it. If you don’t want to be associated with the biggest moron…
Judge me for the work I produce. Not the clothing I wear. Can we just fucking fuck dress codes al-fucking-ready?
Well mostly I just surf the internet reading silly articles.
Shorts imply unprofessionalism the same way an adult diaper implies incontinence.
yay - more restrictions on menswear
If you’re distracted by someone wearing shorts to work, you should probably reevaluate your job. It’s apparently not keeping you busy.
Who is that DADDY in the middle of the top picture?! Oh, to be that tortoise! SWOON!
“World Trade Center” starring Nick Cage was ALSO released in 2006!!!
Not to nitpick, but an actual Normal Person’s Guide to Training for A Marathon would just consist of “Don’t.”
Indiegogo, home of the perpetual scam.
Indiegogo, home of the perpetual scam.
I’m not thirsty. Oh, at all.
The performance enhancing qualities of Madonna’s “Ray of Light” cannot be understated.
If someone really eats that much, just quietly excuse oneself and go to the bathroom, lean over the toilet and put your longest finger in your mouth and touch your Uvula and let that upsetting meal come back up and go away. Models have been doing it for years.
3. Smoke Dope
You are right; marijuana causes “munchies.” However, you’re saying marijuana directly causes metabolic syndrome, but I don’t see any research that states that. Even that article you linked talks about appetite and metabolism, but not metabolic syndrome— which are different things. Also, that article you linked is from…
I smoke a modest-sized bowl pretty much everyday after work, right before my evening runs and it’s one of my favorite things in the world. It not only makes me more physically aware of what my body is doing (depends what kind of weed I’m smoking, actually), but does wonders for stress. Can’t recommend it enough.