
I actually voted absentee because I knew I would be out of state, taking care of my dying father. September was a month of a lot of crying for me - for my dad and for this final crack in the glass ceiling. Tonight I’ll toast my father and our next President and be sobbing again, I’m sure.

This guy?

They are unhealthy because the airlines cheap out and don’t fill the plane with pure oxygen, as the food babe told us

This reaction is exactly why they released a still frame instead of the entire video.

That isn’t a photo. It’s a still from a video, which means it does not tell you whether he was in a stance or moving his hands together up above his head. It does not tell you why one officer shot him as another tased him. It does not show if any efforts were made to deesculate the situation or why a police officer


I don’t trust people who sing with artificial accents.

I think Nate’s raging against other stats-based pundits who keep twisting themselves (and the data) in knots to say Hillary is far ahead. For example, the Princeton Election Consortium has Clinton’s win probability between 79%-87% (, while 270towin has Clinton’s win probability as high

Nate’s whole thing is that emotionally over-invested partisans (non-sociopaths) continually read too much into every little event, aided by narrative-driven media members.

Fact check: While getting a guy into the White House that will it make it possible for you to call a black man the N-word in public is figuratively all these Trumptards care about, it is not literally all these Trumptards care about. These Trumptards also care about the Second Amendment and their freedom from fear

Albert, it is adorable that you think a bunch of racist asshole white supremacists who still support this fuckwit will give a flying fuck whether the Orange Asspimple lies or not.

Yes. the answer is yes.

11.4% of people are fucking retarded.

The real secret is go to Popeyes instead of KFC.

I just use a towel, or keep them in the carton. No need to save bottle caps.

I agree. It’s in the Constitution under the “leg room” clause.



I think he looks crazy hot

Only the good guys had guns, so I’m sure she’s actually fine.

You’re missing the fucking point. Whether or not you personally think upspeak is annoying is unimportant. (And there is actually reason to think that women are more inclined to use upspeak than men precisely because they are viewed as aggressive, hostile, unattractive, etc. when they use a more declarative tone, and