Al Franken is a great choice, I think.
Al Franken is a great choice, I think.
There’s more than 1 “Country Dance Hall” in DC. Because of this error, I immediately think everything else is wrong.
Xylitol poisoning is getting more common because xylitol is turning up in more and more different products. Always good to check the label!
How is this surprising? She has a British identical twin!!!
What do you mean it’s too thin? It’s pretty much the same consistency as skim milk. Do you fuck skim milk, too?
Nah, another guy in the comments section had it right. “Nut juice.”
How about Almond Essence? OR Oil of Almonds... maybe Creme da’ la Almond?
Chatting with the flight attendants is almost always rewarding. I often sit in the back and it’s easy to catch them in downtime back there. I’ve gotten free movies, lots of free snacks, including an entire box one time, and free drinks. And if you’re traveling alone it gives you someone interesting to talk to!
I’d like to go in there with one of them and drop the hottest, rankest shit ever.
I have really thick thick thick brown hair. I think it’s boring, but everyone is SOOOOO ENVIOUS of it. Just call me Becky.
I dunno. Her hair isn't that good. I mean it's alright. Kind of boring.
Do menopause hot flashes sync up? I don’t recall that episode exploring that in the Golden Girls...
That header pic is breaking my heart. I miss Blake-free Gwen and her natural teeth.
I would SO buy that Useless Light Switch!
I’m sorry, what? That whole thing went over my head. What on earth is pimping a homer?
What the fuck do Millennials have to do with this?
Can you confirmed that the only people who clapped are millennials? I like this thought process. Someone was an asshole it must be a millennial. People have been assholes long before millennials. I highly doubt every single person clapping was a millennial.
I’m 6' 3". I’m familiar with this hell.