
The Court is NOT on Dr. Luke’s “side.” The Judge merely applied the law to the facts. As an attorney one of the hardest things to deal with are bad facts. They are what they are and we do our best to construe them most favorably to our clients but ultimately Judges have no discretion to choose a “side” they like. It’s

If I’m sick, my pantry is bare, and there’s a horrible snowstorm outside (which also means that my car is buried in ice and snow), I’m going to order delivery. I am polite, I’m out front very promptly, and I tip handsomely. I see nothing wrong with that. I get to eat, and someone else is tipped for his trouble. Win,

Until you have actually used an aero press and tried the coffee, you're simply talking out of your ass.

Until you have actually used an aero press and tried the coffee, you're simply talking out of your ass.

I am a really heavy Waze user- I think I’m like #900 in my state. The day I can selectively remove only “Vehicle Stopped on Shoulder” is the day I will consider Waze to be all grown up. So many little things make it just not quite perfect.

I hope they didn’t engrave his name on the National Law Enforcement Officers memorial in DC yet...

You are honestly the most beautiful human.

and he’s fucking sexy as fucking fuck.

I vomited on a one-night-stand’s peen. Yes, I was drunk. Yes, he was drunk. No, nobody cared... not even me. Cause that was HUNG.

I think a lot of what goes on with guys is just porn overexposure. Lots of deep throat, lots of gagging, and the performers all doing it with a smile. And guys don’t grok that A) those women are pros; and B) there’s a whole lot of lube in those shots.

YAAAAYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so proud of you for this!!!!!!!

“The ring alone is worth over $387,000.”

Has he been lion this whole time?

It’s funny how the conservatives are all about “states’ rights” until they don’t like the law the state made. Then all of a sudden they’re all about the “constitution.”

I realize that this comparison isn’t perfect, because it isn’t based on religious beliefs, but there were many restaurants in this country who refused to serve people of color until there was enough pressure placed on them. One way to place pressure on these businesses is to sue them.


Yeah, any halitosis conversation without mentioning tonsil stones is like discussing politics without mentioning money.

Can’t watch video, are tonsil stones mentioned? These can be a super pain, and there’s no easy way to make them go away.

Shut up, Taylor Swift. It’s free for THREE MONTHS. Consider it free publicity. If you’re music is so good, people will buy it.