9/11 really put a damper on that one....
And if that's what she wants to be, then why is it of any bother to you?
Oh take a fucking seat and let Madonna be Madonna.
I read the mother jones article and didn't bother responding because a million people had already chimed in about how the study is actually saying that your phone does as good of a job, not that the fitbit is bullshit. If you couldnt think of one reason that someone would prefer a slim, light band over carrying their…
The joke was "In Into The Woods, Cinderella runs from her prince, Rapunzel gets throw from a tower for her prince, and Sleeping Beauty just thought she was getting coffee with Bill Cosby." It's a joke that calls out the shitty treatment of women in the play, and the shitty treatment of women by Bill Cosby. Bill…
In the original folk tale, sleeping beauty is raped and impregnated by the Prince after he finds her asleep. She then wakes up when her infant (after giving birth to himself) sucks on her finger and dislodges the flax seed under her fingernail that is causing her to be asleep.
No, it was a joke at Cosby's expense. It wasn't directed at any woman but him. Two different things.
it was so cool to put Amals achievements into the spotlight. Also looked like she really enjoyed it
Holy shit, that George Clooney joke was straight up brilliant.
Oh...oh hi Steve Carrell. You're looking handsomer than I realized.
Color me ignorant, but..... what does "Cosby" spell backwards? I'm still stuck on that part.....
A lot of friends/co-workers said before flu season started, "I never get the flu/I haven't had the flu in so long that I'm not getting a flu shot this year." Meanwhile, I got my shot as usual. I did get sick a month or so ago that seemed like a mini-flu (24-48 hour symptoms, lingering cough for weeks, but eventually…
I really, really wanted to read this article, as I recently attended a wedding and this topic came up, but I literally couldn't. The article was so poorly written that it felt like I was deciphering a puzzle while I was attempting to read. On numerous occasion, I found myself having to reread sentences in order to…
I am extremely proud to be able to look at this picture, read the article, look at the picture again, and still have no idea who I'm looking at or why they're any different than anyone else who has ever been photographed for a magazine cover. Thank you, I needed this.
I'm seeing a lot of people saying "Why is this a problem?".
Allow me to respond to your question with a question. If you blacked out and woke up with semen in your anus, what would you call that?