If space is an issue, Breville also makes the Bambino Plus. It has forever changed my life!
If space is an issue, Breville also makes the Bambino Plus. It has forever changed my life!
I’m sorry. I know this is messy, but... ever since I saw that video of shirtless KJ Apa dancing strangely, I “blush” when I see him. My god.
So is this set in the UK or New York? Because everyone seems British, but I swear I saw a sign saying Coney Island.
I’m so confused by this article... but am happy people are talking about Alia Shawkat & Search Party :-)
Let’s just be clear that this is all about white people *somehow* trying to play the numbers game and NOT become the minority in the US right around 2050. They care about the preservation of white babies, and that is it. Wrapping the abortion issue in “Christian values” just gets minorities that drank the patriarchal…
I do not doubt this for a second. I seem to recall that he had a drinking problem at some point. I once thought he was reasonably attractive but he looks like a skeevy uncle now.
wow I’m a troll for asking a serious question? fuck you.
Things like this just add to the argument that what we need to do is break the link between employment and health insurance - that is, that your health insurance should not be tied to your place of employment, and that your employer should not get to have a say in how your health insurance dollars are spent.
what in the hell was that splash mountain rap?!?!?! What is that from? Is that something they would play while standing in line?
Also, Uma Thurman’s mug is BEAT in this movie! Look at those brows arched to her forehead!
So many things wrong here. 1) From the moment of ordering to completion the person who took the order and payment would have had to somehow indicate to the person making drinks that it was for a cop. Depending on how busy they are that’s not something that’s going to happen. That being said, 2) Kiosks are normally not…
I just assumed the Cuban “son” was his gay boyfriend before I found out about the 12 year-old thing.
I’ve been in here too long
I’m surprised the article didn’t mention Fiona Apple’s masterpiece ‘Fetch the Bolt Cutters,’ which not only DIDN’T suffer from being released during the pandemic, but felt like the perfect soundtrack to our anxious, cagey mood.
I wish you would do a face sunscreen version of this article.
I wish you would do a face sunscreen version of this article.
“she felt compelled to throw a bunch of black women under the bus” or do you think its because the women she named are all in the billboard top 50.
Your avatar is super sexy...
I’m so happy you did this with gin. <3