Mr. Jim Business

This guy is now MY PERSONAL HERO.

At least no one died.

Not sure James Blake understands the rules of tennis, either. Maybe he should’ve tried playing professionally, just to help with his familiarity, you know?

Okay... so... and I 100% agree, and get why you have to say, “Hey, specifically, white people: don’t touch, specifically, a Black person’s hair.” But, also, like...

My solution to that in lines is to turn myself more sideway, so I take up more diagonal space. This way only, like, my left shoulder is a bit closer to whoever is in front on me, but then I can put my weight onto my right foot to make sure I’m not leaning into whoever is in front of me, while also learning into

Not needed? It’s practically discouraged!

Four more years than the trash that killed Jordan Edwards.

Maybe he’s supposed to be the stand-in for the old Jew in the barbershop in Coming To America. That’s what I thought of immediately, anyway.

I left my league this year because I finally stopped watching football (because of all of the CTE stuff, mainly, but also fuck the NFL). It’s been interesting to see people’s reactions when I tell them. My favorite was the one guy who, when I said I was stopping because of the CTE stuff, replied, “Wait, but you don’t

Literally all I could think about durning this article was the Hippie Digger. What a beautiful, purpose built machine!

I once did a delayed self-pepper spray. I wanted to see what one of my female friend’s pepper spray looked like when you actually sprayed it, so I sprayed some on some grass near where we were sitting. Not exciting, it’s like, bright red-orange. Bored.

“It’s far too much to ask Darren Rovell to ever think critically about anything a rich person or a brand tells him...”

All right, if we’re going to have all of this Tofurky Brand Beef over nothing causing immediate benches-clearing non-incidents this season, then why’d it take that long for the Braves bench to come out and defend their guy? The announcers even said both teams were worried about this, so how were there not at least a

... arg ... ung ... CRAB BATTLE

She tried, when it shouldn’t have even been on her to do so. She took her son to play for a league sponsored by the police, all in an effort to help build bridges and create positive associations between the police and youth of color, and this is how she and her son are rewarded. What’s the fucking point of any of

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, hold up... she’s running as a Republican and she only got a B from the NRA?

I will forever cherish the “I wonder what Richie is thinking about while he gets a blowjob from that bald guy...” picture you all use on every Incognito article.

Of fucking course her partner is a cop. How do you think she knew to try the #BeckySoWhite defense?

So, I’m a white (Jewish) male on the autism spectrum. And I can absolutely empathize with someone on the spectrum getting worked over a perceived threat by some stranger, especially if they’re home alone, and especially if they’re a woman. But I also understand that I’m prone to getting freaking out by things that are

Oh man, I’m so excited to buy this shirt.