Agreed. Marvel should have Thanos resurrect him for good and ABC can put “Antoine Tripplet: Agent of SHIELD” in its Fall lineup.
Agreed. Marvel should have Thanos resurrect him for good and ABC can put “Antoine Tripplet: Agent of SHIELD” in its Fall lineup.
The best thing about The Framework was the return of Agent Triplett.
“This reminds me of the time Thanos whacked half of humanity...” ~ Peter Griffin, Marvels Agents of F.A.M.I.L.Y. G.U.Y.
Murder your foes with love and affection! Also known as the Elmyra Mod.
I still liked the movie, for sure.
Solid article. Enjoyed the various perspectives and views provided. History 101, don’t judge the past by today’s standards. Everyone seems to have forgotten this basic principle to studying events of the past.
“Drax can toss priceless space batteries”
There was a war about Unification Day and not one mention of The Serenity Valley. What kind of history lesson was this article?
This isn’t just any game. This is a game based on one of the world’s best known franchises. You can’t justify selling a game to a kid for 60 bucks to have him find out he has to play an insane amount of time or pay extra money just to play with the character he likes from the movies.
no ... it’s their investment, they definitely have the right to take it in any direction they want.
but all this nonsense about reasons is ... just that - nonsense. every single problem they had with this game and the development of it started from that - they shifted too far from what made the 2nd/3rd game great, and…
Everyone loves Garrus. Nobody wants to shoot Turians.
It’s all about the memes. What would have otherwise been silly bugs that could have been (and eventually were) easily patched out turned into a viral PR catastrophe.
this is what happens when you get greedy and/or fail to understand what made your product great. what made mass effect great was the story, the setting and the atmosphere. not having hundreds of blank planets to explore.
ask anyone that played the first 3 games and sure ... some of them will tell you that yeah,…
I haven’t played Andromeda, so I cannot speak to it directly, but I get the sense that a great deal of the hate it’s eating right now is down to how many, many folks remember the OT.
Full disclosure: I am a raging ME OT fanboy, but I also hated the original ending with the burning passion of a thousand suns (though my…
And that female turian, she has the FLEXIBILITY, right?
I totally think that it is okay to take joy watching him get decked, but a big part of me just feels dread/tired. Because I know this will make some nazi scums go out and attack some other people, referencing this incident and in the end it will just makes matter worse and makes America even more divided in the end,
I’ve got to agree, I think showing violence/attention towards him only propogates more violence. Although he is a piece of shit and deserves to get decked in the teeth, it doesn’t HELP anything to do so. The better way is to allow him to say what he wants to say and calmy and rationally explain why it is a bad idea.…