
wow that is ...awful.... 

See this is what will ultimately make me decide to not pick up the game, and what some games journalism outlets (not this one) were incorrectly assuming about the game. I definitely read in multiple places - again, not on kotaku - that the characters’ storylines would converge and collectively become part of a larger

Sounds like a chore more than fluid storytelling.

LABO cardboard BFG PLZ

your ignorance is showing

Nah, gyro aiming is way more accurate than straight twin-sticks.

Shitposts like yours are so much more obnoxious than any port begging.

How to spot a Sony Fanboy: PS4 HAS SOLD MORE UNITS HAHAHAHAH!!!!1111
Now, read the thread and you will notice you are actually...well...wrong. Besides that, i own a PS4 as well. And i still would rather play MH World on the switch. Why? Portable.

besides you being wrong about sales (as others stated already) i dont understand your motivation of posting that verbal diarrhea. You act like someone is taking something away from you. Are you afraid that company XY might put resources on a project that doesnt offer you anything? Are you afraid that a game that you

From a personal standpoint, Monster Hunter would be far more appealing if I could take it with me. I don’t really have time for these types of games unless I can carry them around and play periodically throughout the day. I don’t think it’s an unfair question— but I also assumed that World just couldn’t run on the

I would love to see more games come to the switch, just like I wanted to see more games ported to the Vita. Both are impressive at what they do, and the more options on the go, the better!

If there were some magical way to make Nintendo games appear on the Xbone or PSQuad, that would be awesome too, since then people

Well I’m pretty sure the reason people are asking for Switch ports is because of the unique nature of the system. It’s portability is something no other console can match, even if it’s graphics are less impressive. The ability to play certain games on the go or while watching tv during a commercial break is something

I feel there is a certain irony in your ad hominem rhetoric and weird strawmen given your obvious dislike of Trump. I’d agree not every game needs a switch port, and it has some technical short comings that make it largely unfit to port some of the more recent triple A titles. I am unsure why you feel the need to spew

Yeah I know. Shame it doesn’t auto translate the game to English too.

So give us XX.

Hardware’s a big factor, but another one is that by every aspect of design (for better or worse), MHW is a western Monster Hunter aiming on breaking into western markets past its somewhat niche fanbase.

If Monster Hunter World was a Switch exclusive, it would be a must-by for me. Nintendo really dropped the ball not scooping up exclusive rights to that game. I bought a 3DS just to play MHGen. Other games I’m looking at as potential console sellers are the new Smash and Pokemon games. Though they’ll probably just end

Though Mario Kart is one of the main reasons I stick with Nintendo.... MK8D rubber banding and blue shelling is ridiculous. I’ve had to give it a break because it pissed me off too much. This feels like it’s worse than ever before. No problem with MK7... But yeah... MK8D... I may just have to abandon this shit as I’m

Haven’t played MK in a while, but I’ve always hated the way drops work. I did a little PvP in the 3DS days, but once I realized all anyone was doing was trying to hang back to get blue and red shells to spam at the end of the race, I quit. Losing when you’ve been ahead the whole race can be annoying, but winning the

The rubberbanding and ai nonsense is ridiculous in MK8D. If I maintain my lead across all three laps, I will be bombarded and hit by a flurry of redshells at the same turn every lap.