
Regardless of if your stance is correct or not, doesn’t make the OP any less of a jerk.

Tbf only losers hobby shame.

Of the 10 million PS5's sold, how many are associated with active PSN accounts? Same thing with Xbox and Xbox Live accounts? You could also attempt to track sales of high in-demand games that released direct to PS5 (as oppose to a last-gen upgrade). If the direct-PS5 version of Miles Morales only sold 500k copies,

Yes because you eventually figure out the combat isn’t that fun and you skip most of the encounters

I really don’t understand the praise this game gets. People claim the exploration is so rewarding, yet when I played it, I saw it as barren and boring. People talk about being able to climb everything in the world, there is nothing up there. Don’t get me started on how disappointing the korok seed rewards are, or the

BOTW is one of the best Zelda games up to a point, after which it became one of the worst Zelda games. That point, for me, is once you’ve freed your first Divine Beast.

The worst part was that it was impossible to hit the mute button on the ad without opening another tab for the ad playing. The fuck?!?!

Do all the feature reviews have gigantic auto-playing video now? Hard pass, that caught me by surprise and blasted the audio to everyone in the room. Could it maybe not auto play?

Another microstransactions apologist, great.

That’s a very reductive and bad-faith representation of people’s critique of optional microtransactions in $60+ single-player games

exactly, if you can write an entire article based on what you think or dont think is grasping for money chances are its greedy as fuck. Like jim stirling said they dont want just SOME of the money, they want ALL of the money. They want to predotorize and introduce as many as possible to gambling addiction as possible

WIthout any kind of hyperbole, the knowledge of these microtransactions, and how prevalent they are in the title, makes this a no-buy. I wanted to check out Origins when it became less expensive (I was burned by AC3 and haven’t played an AC title since), but the microtransactions seemed extreme.

It’s neat that Kotaku is posting articles from other realities now.

Jason’s review was 100% accurate. People just hate on him’s the internet? He noted the positives of the game and he noted the drawbacks, and his conclusion was that he personally didn’t like it. Others noted the positives and noted the drawbacks and their conclusion was they personally did like it. It’s

First line of this review: “I love Dragon Quest.” Proceeds to give an in-depth and thoroughly fair review obviously written by someone landing square within its target audience.

Free content is doesn’t matter. Xenoblade 2 in fact one of the best games in terms of story/gameplay and ost 

I’d say this sums it up: I guess we are just different.

Good advice - checked out the Disgaea V demo and I liked it, but I wasn’t quite prepared to put 200-300 hours into a tactical RPG. Still on my list for when it’s on deep discount.

You say ‘story’ but ought to break that down into: ‘characters are flat,’ ‘plot is not engaging,’ ‘relationships don’t build and grow between party members’, etc., etc. If you play RPGs for story and character, you play RPGs for story and character. 

It’s not quite the same, but maybe give Disgaea V a look? That game is bonkers JRPG silliness in the best way, because it embraces being campy. The levels of strategy are also quite deep.