

Here we go again... Another industry writer defending the indefensible. BOTW has its moments of brilliance, sure, but every time I hear someone LIE (yes, you’re all liars) about liking the goddamn weapon-breaking system I just flip out. It’s absolute illogical nonsense to say that a restrictive system “encourages

THIS. Auto-play ads are the quickest way to get me to never visit Kotaku again. They are self-defeating.

THIS. My experience with Mario Kart is limited, but from what I have seen it’s pretty rage-inducing. To say all online voice chat for Mario Kart is polite commentary during a game that’s designed to be unfair and maddening is definitely not part of this reality.


I’ll take ANY Katamari at this point. If they remake them all, I’ll keep buying them.


Nintendo, nobody wants this. What we want is to be able to save our games (locally, and in the cloud), and to play some Mario Galaxy on the Switch.


Tim, I have to respectfully disagree with you here. I’ve been gaming for over 30 years, so I have played a lot. That experience has taught me what kinds of games I like, and what a well-done version of that looks/feels like. Knowing what I like, I could easily tell someone else who shared basic preferences if a game

Quoting console “install base” numbers is nonsense. In that case, why are devs not making games for the PS2?? That console sold tons, you know.

This is why I don’t even try to play these kinds of games. I play games to relax and decompress. I would love to give games like this my money, and would do so if they had adjustable difficulty levels, but since most of the time it’s permanently set to be very difficult, I will not waste my time. Cuphead is another

I loved Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and thought Jason’s coverage of that game was WAY off, but the simple fact is that OT has no main story. Every review says this, so it’s not like Jason is alone here. There’s no way I can get invested in what is essentially 8 side-quests that never intersect.
So you finish the story of

It sounds like it would have also been a good idea to enable the Japanese voices. I always do and rarely regret it. They are usually MUCH better, and certainly were here. I spent 2 minutes with the English dub and said NOPE and went with the Japanese voices.

All of you hating on Xenoblade Chronicles 2 are mostly ignorant of the fact that very shortly after the game came out the map was updated and that made a HUGE impact on playability. Also, no game in recent memory has added as much content for free as XC2 has. Sure it might not have been for everyone, but it’s a damn

I am VERY disappointed and now not at all interested in this game. All reviews say the same thing. It’s 8 separate stories, none of them ever converge into an overall narrative. If there are a few characters that one doesn’t like, then you will miss out on a significant portion of the game.

I had the special edition

Right, because we’re all supposed to buy games that don’t fit our personal preference. We’re also supposed to be extra happy when a JRPG comes out and it has no main story. JRPGs never have main stories, right?  They’re always just a group of side quests that never tie into each other, right?  That’s totally normal. /S

Dood. Really???

1. This is not 1985. Nobody cares how someone would have acted in the NES days.
2. This is a discussion thread. We are talking about a game, and everyone has valid thoughts. Your “tired of hearing people whine about how a specific mechanic of a game doesn’t fit their personal preference” line is complete

THIS. I posted on another site that, even though I pre-ordered the Wayfarer’s Edition, I will not buy it if there is no “main story” that ties everyone together. 

So, this is a $720 (2 x $300 for Switches and 2 x $60 for copies of the game itself) trick? I know a few people with Switches, but none who would really call this system-selling or a must-have feature. Nintendo has something special with LABO, but I don’t know if this kind of thing is going to be the next party

Wipeout Omega Collection: VR. I even dusted off my powered 3D-audio headphones. Stoked to be excited about VR again.

Love this. Now we need someone to do the same thing with Gundam models.

“Religious zeal for Nintendo”?? What the hell are you talking about?? Ever since EVER, owners of consoles that do not have a popular game have voiced their desire to play said popular game on the console they own. THIS IS NOT NEWS and has nothing at all to do with Nintendo. MH is a perfect example. For years PS and XB