
The Cinematic D’Souzaverse

If they’re so against abortions, why do they keep making these movies?

It can be two things.

I, too, was 11 and I watched my dad fall asleep in his theater seat not 15 minutes in.

I’m totally cool with pretending The Final Frontier never happened

Anyone have Steam summer sale suggestions? I’m a sucker for base building games like Factorio and They Are Billions.  I’ve managed to avoid the sale so far because I haven’t beaten TAB yet and it’s pretty addictive. 

Africa is peak Yacht Rock

I object to your classification of Africa as “soft rock”

Corgan has nearly completed his metamorphosis into James Carville.

When something ‘goes over one’s head’ it means that there was a concept or premise that they failed to recognize.

There’s a gigantic Goggins shaped hole in my heart since Vice Principals ended that this might somewhat help fill.

Putting together Ikea furniture while listening to RP1 sounds like a new circle of hell.

I loved Hereditary. My only complaint is that I thought it explained too much.

That movie didn’t get the attention it deserved. It is bananas. Panos Cosmatos and Nicolas Cage is going to be cuckoo bananas.

A Very Fatal Murder was funny but the ads were hands down the best bits.


That headline is timeless

Everybody just looooovesss the Simon Theorem but the inarguable objective truth that I alone have discovered is that it’s actually a steaming pile of hot garbage.

Hard pass.  *bong rip*  Ok, maybe.

Maybe it’s his way of thanking Matt Zoller Seitz for giving it a positive review.