
She was going to play Tom Bombadil, wasn’t she

I look forward to Nick’s hard hitting expose’ on the antiquated notion of vowels.

I’m not sure what it says about Andy Dick’s career that he isn’t in this.

“Now Charlie, just before the show, we need you to put on this potted plant disguise and wait in Mr. Weinstein’s dressing room.

I’m starting to think this guy doesn’t understand when he’s not wanted and therefore imposes himself on others despite their protestations.

If Pete Holmes isn’t a Labrador retriever then whoever cast this should be fired.

Man, I made a really sweet pun over on Gizmodo but I’m still in the greys over there and it’s so subtle no one will get it. Damn you, Kinja, damn you to hell.

That’s it, I’m contacting Hunan Resources

Montreal knows what it did

This show made me like Mondays.

He’s the one they call Dr. Goodsir


Mack Moves From Smallville to Big House

I am gen x. The swipe at millennials is purely in service of a joke.  Some of my best friends are millennials.

Party like you’re going to get a 1099

Shouldn’t this article begin with, “Actually...

Next you’re going to tell me that the personality test I took before being chained to David Miscavige’s toilet with only a toothbrush and a strobe light to keep me company was done by Scientologists.

I hope I’m not expecting too much, but the Rifftrax Live of Space Mutiny is going to be the defining moment of my life.

That’s right!  Add “again” to my original post.