
Hodor stages a coup within the White Walker army and takes the Iron Throne when they make it to King's Landing.

I copyedited "The A.V. Club's" article The A.V. Club copyedited “Predisent” Trump’s lawyer, and the results were not good, and the results were not good.

Every American is guaranteed to be innocent-ish until proven sorta guilty looking.

Look, I don't know if Avery did it or not, but we can all agree he's guilty-adjacent.

One time. One time.

He did spend 40 days in the desert, tempted by Satan Russ Meyer.

Praise be to Christ Ebert.


Thank Christ Ebert isn't here to see this.

That didn't stop Academy Award Winner Suicide Squad!

I'm immediately going to photoshop Trump into that LBJ dog lifting photo.

I feel like if there were more booing in congress it would class up the place.

That sounds about right, although I was so disappointed with the taste that I didn't drink it fast enough to get a buzz.

I had a New Belgium Voodoo Ranger because I'm a fan of their Ranger. It has a burnt tar flavor that I think comes from the mosaic hops and I'm just not a fan. Oh well.


And Obama.

It's also effective for The Cramps.

And on!

Thankfully, he's got a gofundme page up and running so his fans can pay for him to see those.

With that many tour dates, they need to be careful the don't develop The Shins splints.