
Ashley Feinberg is a national treasure. Whenever I need a laugh, I re-read "Gawker Media's Biggest Mistakes".

Come to New Orleans and visit a different restaurant for every meal.

Holy fucking shit, indeed. To our credit, Louisiana elected a Democrat for governor rather than let that scumbag Vitter pillage the state treasury for dirty diaper hooker money.

When Vitter was running for governor, a local news anchor asked him about his past with prostitutes. The Republican party pulled advertising from the station until they gave in and fired the news anchor.

It's GJI stories like this that are the reason I have Styx's Too Much Time on My Hands perpetually stuck in my head.

Don't forget Mark Foley and Denny Hastert.

In hindsight, David Vitter was the canary in the coal mine of the stunning levels of hypocrisy that dumbass Americans will tolerate.

SNES I believe.

Rock n' Roll Racing, arguably Blizzard's finest achievement.

It'll be a Marvel if they don't argue the case all the way up to DC.

Finally, Christmas comes to Santa.

Is this the Space Mutiny preboot that tells the origin story of the Bellarians?

I'd .. watch that.

No Z'dar, no z'dice.

Whatever, just make sure to watch the new MST3k episodes at least twice so Netflix buys another season.

^^ Best read in Borat's voice.

How much does a Kellyanne Conway? It's not so much about the weight as the density.

Fleabag 2: Season of the Itch

Edge of Seventy

Look, murdering Jedis with finger lightening adds decades.