
one of my favorite parts of living in austin is we have a no kill shelter.

there are ads? adblock ftw

and check engine, low batt and doors open lights are also on as well.

you missed one important point, in texas, inspection consists of hooking the obdII plug to a diagnostic machine, checking the gas cap, and that is it.

lots of police pickups in texas

also in austin, ive seen a couple of nismo z’s white one down south is just primo fine. saw another white one up north today with multi color headlights, flairs, proper tires and NOT stanced, actually set up for running. very nice, and im not really an import guy.

comparing the theft of documents, fraud, commercial spying. yea that’s the same as using the same api (which should not be copyrightable anyway, that’s a stupid idea) to develop your own engine.. you obviously have no understanding of ip law, or even what’s going on here.

i saw one of these cruising around austin a few weeks ago, all i can say is wow

i believe this is your search history in action... i get nothing that is nsfw.....

austin citizens VOTED for a fingerprint based background check. uber & lyft decided that was too much, so they took their ball and went home. amazing how every other taxi and ride providing service was able to do it with no problem.

me: center lane behind an obnoxiously loud hyper bike. bike dood has a gopro on his helmet and is steady focusing it on the cutie in the car next to him and revving up his noise. light turns green, girl takes off, he lets out the clutch and kills it.