Thats right, its the second gen. I meant first gen ES300. :P
Thats right, its the second gen. I meant first gen ES300. :P
Another one i'd like to add is the first gen Lexus ES.
It may not embody 90's culture, but I believe it embodies 90's automotive culture. Its something that wasn't really like anything else out there at the time and was part of the race to do everything everyone else does but better for less cost. It ended up in a…
The Toyota Startlet. Need I say more?
Took my first uber the other week in Australia and it was amazing, i felt much safer and more comfortable, the driver even put out refreshments in the back seat! and most of all it was 1/6th the cost of a taxi. I welcome it with open arms.
The 3VZ is also a bit more reliable overall, really noticeable when you're running boost or supercharging, it can handle a lot of abuse before it starts to have any problems. A plus from all the weight of an iron block. The lack of OBD-II helps too, although here you can get OBD-II 3VZ's.
They both have their pros and…
So that ends up being 61 hours per week she was working. Good pay but it sounds a little tough and probably mind-numbingly boring! Got any mail-order brides or dating sites that cater specifically for my stereotype you can link me?
Isn't throwing salt around everywhere just generally bad for everything? I heard its not too good for soil to have very much, not to mention cars.
I drive a car slightly older than I am (I'm 19) and I don't feel overly unsafe at all. Although I can recognise that anything from 2000-> is a huge step up, and anything 2010-> is an even bigger step up, I just don't get the reasoning behind slightly older cars (~10 years) being so much less safe. Especially when you…
Swap in a 3Vz-fe! Pretty easy swap and great performance benefits.
The literal whole point of buying was to write articles about it, he got jalopnik to help him choose it in the first place.
The Avalon and Camry are/were also made around the corner from me in Australia.
The Avalon wasn't sold exclusively in America (Although very darn close to).
And in regards to the article, the Camry is popular in lots of places, not just America. I would say the Avalon was the much better choice.
I always love these because there always ends up being a pretty even split of people who have had every problem under the sun and people who swear theirs has been more reliable than a camry. Seems like buying a VW/Audi is like buying a lottery ticket.
*That air suspension which was completely broken a couple of weeks ago
Good points for both sides there. I think a plus with google is that they don't sell information about you personally in the end, they just give other companies access to their metrics. So your data stays in googles hands. (Unlike other ones who will sell personally identifiable information)
Then don't use it? Its an added feature, not a replacement.
I still live here and I hadn't heard of it. Its something that many family friends would be interested in as well.
I hope this guy got paid, or got to keep the car! I'm sure it'll be leading to more, better work in the future thats for sure.
Another possibility is intellectual data, perhaps a laptop and/or external drive with important work for himself or his company. Plenty of things are worth wayyy more than what they're stored on.
I can imagine in 20-30 years when people are getting aftermarket battery replacements in their Teslas that use modern tech for the time, and are able to get huge range, + power increases if they are able to replace the motor too.