
Lamers gonna lame. Let them eat chicken nuggets.

Nope, lameness is the only reason not to TRY something.

Thats what it sounds like from the article

Smaller bun is interesting. I have found it too bready at time, so this may be an improvement OR it may just be messier because of the additional sauce.

...likely for marketing reasons; in Amercan eateries, French foods have long been seen as fancier and more sophisticated.

BTW, is an available address

I just don’t get that take. I know someone who is the same way. What about them?

[Chef] Cusato describes this dish as having “maximum flavor,” and since he doesn’t like olives...

I can’t say this without sounding like I’m not against drunk driving (I am against it), but I’ll say it anyway.

“Could we go to California or New Jersey? Sure. But we want to bring (our customers) the highest quality peaches we can,” meaning Southern peaches, he says.

Not for me. In my head I always face south west so orienting the cutting board got screwy.

If you don’t have the option to rollover your old 401(k) into a new one, your next best choice is to let it grow before you opt to cash out early.

figured the “/s” went without saying

Maybe it’s a metric conversion thing. Or the bottle is smaller. What would the ABV be in Rhode Island? Let’s standardize this.

Des Moines “Dezmoeenis”

There might have been a mention of this in the listing, they admit—

He’s gross and annoying. Good fit for Taco Bell I guess.

the king’s preference for all things milquetoast

We settle things the good old fashioned way, monkey knife fights.