
I’m amazed the TTB let them put the word “Drunk” on the label

This is one of those labeling things that really pisses me off for some reason. Perhaps because I see it is deliberatively misleading and it cultivates bad decision making in the same way parents throwing granola bars at their kids for a healthy snack when many of those are as bad as a McDonald’s hamburger.

that I made myself at a “perfume college” in the South of France

I also believe it’s because eggs are small and by extension the inventions can be small and cheap enough to market in that impulse price range.

“TOP Data analyzed offline GPS data of millions of Americans to 12 of the largest pizza chains across 48 states in the US to determine the top 5 chains in each state,” the report explains under its “Methodology” section.

The problem with natural products that use turmeric for coloring is that they always taste a little like turmeric. My wife has had me check labels many times in search of it, and she’s always right. It’s not that she doesn’t like turmeric, but doesn’t want things to taste like turmeric that shouldn’t. 

A woman in an SUV backed into my wife at a light once. I told my wife to take charge of the conversation when the cops get there because it will look like she rear-ended the other car. Well, the other woman started in before my wife got a chance when they showed up. She blamed my wife for having a car that was too low

This is really just a sauced version of the most glorious of German foods, the schweinhaxe. Nothing better than one of these guys on a bed of sauerkraut. If done right, the skin renders into the meat and puffs up on the outside. If done wrong, the skin gets hard on the outside and like glue on the inside.

can be made in small restaurant kitchens (or ghost kitchens), are easy to pull off with minimal effort (just drown subpar wings in hot sauce!)

lol you’re good

I figured those were all impulse buys for the people who shops with kids

How is this a thing? What grown-ass adult buys cookies on a regular basis?

They’re working on a subscription service, Crumbl+

You ruined my joke! I was going to name the cuyes in the photo Crispy and Crunchy!

if we’re calling things by appropriate names, it’s definitely not “gouging”

Who cares about cereal:

Article says he didn't have an account there. How do you cash a check where don't have an account?

I’ve had some good feather pillows over the years and have had one issue or another. Too soft, too heavy, loses shape too quickly, what have you.