Any suggestions out there for a Mypillow replacement? I really don’t want to give that guy my money, but damn it’s a great pillow.
Any suggestions out there for a Mypillow replacement? I really don’t want to give that guy my money, but damn it’s a great pillow.
a kitchen towel is more than adequate protection against cutting yourself unless you are blind drunk
If the McHorse with cheese existed
I meant “seasoned” in a sushi rice sense.
The main issue was having to say, every time, “No, no, I’m telling you, there’s no raw fish in it.”
With an electric smoker, be careful with extension cords. Try not to use one, but if you must, make sure it’s really heavy duty thick gauge. You do not want to use the same one you string Christmas lights or plug in your fan. It’s a fire risk.
Vandals also apparently defecated on the teams’ All-Star tournament jerseys
craving a delicious bagel
If you live in an area where using a hose is still allowed, consider installing an automatic shut-off nozzle to save water. When you are watering plants or cooling off the dog, there isn’t a need for a constant flow of water. These nozzles come with a lever that releases the water only when you squeeze, which allows…
Haven’t done it in years, but as a kid I used to suck pink Crystal Light Lemonade through a Ritz placed salted side down on my tongue. After each sip I’d chew and start all over. Sweet, sour, salty, crunchy and buttery all in one bite.
I’ve posted this before, but microwaving them first in a wrapped bowl to squeeze the liquid from the shroomy sponges is a good first step. Then dry them with paper towels before browning. Plus, you end up with some mushroom juice to do something with.
Religion is more ingrained within the culture
Not even in that case. Even in the burbs there are many, many options as nearly every pizza joint makes good subs.
No, I wouldn’t want sandwich fixings to be in a bun. So it’s in its own category. No, it’s not a sandwich. Final answer.
I’d love to try it. Sounds a bit like tonic. We go through boat loads of tonic here year round, particularly diet because it’s not sticky.
Used to live near a pizza place that did this. Their sandwiches were always great.
Canned asparagus and peas are vile. Canned green beans only have one place, in a pickled bean salad.
So, mace is a vegetable?
I do this at work. People thought it was funny, but I never bothered because I drink it black and the hot liquid would instantly remove the ring from the day before.
Looks nice, but it would drive me NUTS not being able to see inside!
Looks nice, but it would drive me NUTS not being able to see inside!