
It goes both ways. As an employer with employees that work from home, I don’t want to hear that you missed your call because you were out walking the dog or driving kids somewhere. If you’re working from home, and the company is committing to the flexibility of you working from home, work means work. It doesn’t

Fantastic suggestion. I have this one:

The red tasty stuff in between them is tissue from the receptacle that held the ovaries together.

I make my way to the stereo, flip on "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails and proceed to do a sex dance floor routine like some kind of crazed fuck beast. I can't even imagine what it looked like. Epic? Deranged? Epically deranged?

Was with my now inlaws and a group of their friends at a nice restaurant in London. I was very young and I'm pretty sure that trip was the first time we had met. I ordered a "martini, dry". When my drink came I took a sip and almost spit it out. I was not prepared for the language barrier that led me to being served a

My pussy 5yr old son requires that I tone things down a bit. He had a run in with what may have been the world's hottest jalapeno at 2. My two year old, however, is a champ. Heat and all, he downs what I serve. My wife threatens me with the dirty diapers, but he's my proof that I'm doing something right!

Maybe he was looking for some backup singers?

I do this at 3:15 or so every night when I wake up sweating and worrying about things left from the day before!

Just a note about baking soda when cooking. It changes the texture. Hervé This (probably Harold McGee, too) writes a bit about this.

I will bet the they have more than a few items sweetened with agave nectar which has even more fructose than HFCS.

Surprised my wife of 10 years with french fries in bed at midnight on Valentines Day. Sounds strange, but she couldn't have been happier.

Buy them in jars! Reseal and refrigerate. The oil will probably solidify, but just take out the jar when your start prepping to cook and you'll be able to fish some out when you need them.

Everything everyone is saying is absolutely true. Those pizzaria suckers are usually pretty bad but can be OK when used like described above. For some real anchovy love seek out Ortiz anchovies. Put them on some good bread and nothing else really matters.

You could not be more hopeless wrong. It was the 10-yr anniversary of Nixon's abandonment of the Bretton Woods system that caused obesity in America to skyrocket.

Cholesterol is definitely something to worry about, but that's SERUM cholesterol, not DIETARY cholesterol.

You're angering Billy

I don't get that at all. I want anyone I deal with, restaurant or otherwise, to be polite and professional and that's about it.

Hear, hear. A summer goto for me is a 2:1 mix of grated green tomatoes and grated onion with a grated clove of garlic and jalapeno left to ferment for a week. This is unbelievably good over grilled fish, especially swordfish.

DRY SCALLOPS ONLY, PEOPLE! Unless, of course, you want your scallops plumped up with phosphate goo:

I had a scare a couple of years ago when I thought I was having a heart attack. It turned out to just be anxiety, but it was a kick in the ass to tackle my weight which I knew was an issue. I also found out that my cholesterol was high. I immediately cut out saturated fat and leaned heavily on acid and heat as