
RT @Ravens The child deeply regrets his role in the incident.

I like to hear mine moo when I bite into it.

For the low low price of $2,499 you can have this giant piece of awesome.

Nothing more frustrating than people being anal about how they like their meat cook. I understand having preferences, but don't get all snooty on me when I'm hosting the festivities in addition to spending hundreds on food and drinks. Especially when you're wanting me to burn a nice cut of meat.

Best description of History Channel programming. Thumb up!

Just looking at that picture makes me want to punch someone.

So? Why does it have to?

No, counting cars is horrible, and the main guy on the show is an enormous tool.

I'd be happier, and more enthusiastic, about a smartphone that could destroy long range precision rifles from a kilometer away.

You would be far better off buying a $1500 graphics card than a $1500 '80's Porsche. I'd explain how I know, but these guys do it better.

$1500 is a cheap car. I'd rather some crappy mid 80's Porsche than a graphics card any day. That being said, if I was able to spend the money I would get this card

"The next step, say the researchers, is to see if the muscle can be used to repair actual muscle injuries and disease. "

Make sure you know about right-clicking the start button. It's one of the most useful, most overlooked features of Windows 8.1 ... easy access to shutdown/restart, to control panel, file explorer, command prompts, and a half dozen other things.

Both of my young boys have a metal bunk bed in their rooms. The top bunk has the requisite metal rail, so I was thinking of using the noodles to pad the rails. The problem is that I think it would actually look very unsightly to have them on the rails. So, instead of using pool noodles, I think I'll use pipe

Stick it up with liquid nails. It will ultimately cause less damage to the wall than screw holes.

industrial strength double stick tape or Velcro?

Also meant to add:

Thats why they make Cans!

The roof rails on a car or SUV often have a curve that matches the roofline, resulting in a high-point in the center of the rail, which makes it awkward to load large, flat items.

There is not nearly enough Beer in here.