TG USA just needs to do their own thing and not worry about what the UK guys do. I quite like the fact that they have rewards for winning the challenges. I think it's a pretty cool concept. I'm not sure if the UK guys have done that, but they aren't doing it nowadays, and I dig it. They're gonna have growing pains…
I'd take Zusi over Donovan any day of the week. Although, to be fair, Zusi is a midfielder, whereas Donovan is a striker. But yeah, he definitely should have been on the damn team. No way in hell are there 23 players more deserving of being on that team than him. Some of them? Maybe. All of them? No way. This shit is…
The cases are kinda ridiculous, too. $120 for a case? Hardly a budget build.
I am incredibly lazy. Like unbelievably fucking lazy. No job will ever make me happy haha.
My worst interviewing experience was when I had a phone interview. I was pretty nervous because I really wanted this job. The money was fucking fantastic and it was close to home. The work wasn't EXACTLY my specialty, but I could hack it.
Seriously. This.
For me, the worst part is when they ask me if I have any questions. I really don't, because I usually know how much a job pays and where it's located before the interview. Those are really the only two things I really care about. For the right amount of money, I'll do any job, for any company, in just about any town.…
Any software application available for purchase to the general public? So, when applying for jobs such as web designer, multimedia person, or graphic designer, I should just skip all that Adobe bullshit? Got it.
I thought she was actually pretty cute to begin with. The end result kinda looks like Tila Tequila. NO ONE should look like Tila Tequila.
Why wouldn't you want your nipples to show? That shit is hot : )
A reasonable demand if I've ever heard one. And let's face it, if anyone's got the ability to make that happen, it's Google.
You just look at the paper. Once it stops being covered in shit, you know you're good.
Fuck it. Walk away from it and rent something in a nicer area. There's no sense in throwing good money after bad. Home ownership is an illusion. When you "buy" a house you don't own it for another 30 years. That's a long damn time.
That looks fucking gorgeous, as well as awesome. I haven't played any GTA games in a while. Might have to pick this up. In a couple years. When the price goes down. Used.
If that thing doesn't have a miniature TARDIS interior inside it, I will be really disappointed.
Because no one is quite sure exactly how those work
Get a longer USB cable or get a USB extension cable. This is what I use and it works great. Cables are cheap. You've no excuse.
Working from home fucking rules. I used to be able to do it much more often at my current job than I do nowadays. Even though it costs them less money to have me telecommuting, and I get more done, they still won't let me do it as often as I'd like. I'm not a morning person and am constantly almost late. But upper…