Mr. Fischoeder

I disagree, these teams shouldn’t be suspeneded, they should be made to battle royale on the diamond.

thanks, the experience felt like rebreaking bones I thought healed...but I got through, always have. Hopefully always will.

Oh jeez that is Naomi Watts.

this tired literary and film device also reinforces simplistic thinking like this in “real life”. When involved in a lawsuit against an employer for sexually harassing me (amongst other types of harassment and discrimination), the defense was able to gain access to information that I had been sexually abused and

Right? This is the thing: I just don’t need to see it any more. It’s become a sort of bullshit shorthand for “serious” treatment of female characters. You want to show me what a great auteur you are? Show me the relationships between your (named female) characters. Show me a sisterhood, or a mother-daughter

I spoke about this to my friends last year. There are way too many of us out here who have been sexually assaulted. We don’t need to constantly see it in movies and shows. We get it. We fucking get it.


I’ll ride and die on this. I fought the good fight on Gawker, and I’ll fight it here.

Even by your comment, pickles and onions are not a side. They are at most a condiment like extra sauce. If I order bbq and you tell me I get 2 sides, you’re going to toss me some fucking spicy pickles and chopped onions and call it a day? Fuck that. Fuck all of that.

Pickles are not a side, and I fully support starting another civil war over the matter.

my bones will mend faster than your old osteo-skeleton.

your youth makes me want to push you out a window

Pickles? Opinion invalid. No wonder Texas sucks.

This is the first time I’ve agreed with BIG ANTI-MAYO. Mayo slaw is a crime, and reason enough to turn someone away from your barbecue.

I literally can’t see him sans beard without thinking of Junior from Black-ish.


Thiiiiis. I’m like, damn I’m not unaccomplished.

I’m 28 and I’ve never had sex. So, I think you’re doing alright. I’m way past caring about men.

Funny, when I read about her being 25 my initial reaction wasn’t “but she doesn’t look it” it was “GODDAMNIT SHE’S DONE SO MUCH MORE THAN ME IN THE SAME SPAN OF TIIIIME”

I do not want her to be my peer. I want her to be my GOALZ.

Okay, so yesterday I was all into that Jez interview with that woman who wrote on Victorian poison much I bought the book.