Mr. Fischoeder

full statement on snapchat

Is that the one with Lily Tomlin? I know you’re binging it but would you recommend others to?

I’ve never watched The Hills either.

So he was Herman Cain’s son all along?

Bear Richard Kimble is a good bear. Human is a poor Tommy Lee Jones substitute.

Thanks. I am so sorry about your friend. And my brother is strong and thankfully, one of the benefits of him getting older is that his symptoms have started to mellow out a little and he seems happier lately.

THIS. After working in therapeutic group homes with kids everyone else has given up on, I just want to scream to the world: PEOPLE SUFFERING FROM MENTAL HEALTH DISORDERS STILL HAVE VALUE AND THEIR LIVES DO TOO.

I lost my best friend with shizophrenia to suicide and it was one of the worst things I ever read. If anyone ever said such things about her to me they’d get straight decked. The stigma is terrible. Love to your brother. Living with it takes immense strength so I know he’s strong. I couldn’t have hated it more.

This. Not only is she hideous to someone who was supposedly her best friend at one time, I couldn’t believe how she talked about this girl’s family. My partner’s cousin has schizophrenia as well and the lengths to which the entire family has gone to get her help (and failed) is heartbreaking. Her mom’s struggle is

I alternate between groaning like Bob&Tina

My brother has schizophrenia. His life has value. I could never imagine writing something like that about him. Just FYI people, stop making psycho or schizo into a slur. Stigma is a real problem and contributes to the devaluing of the lives of people who have thought disorders.

*sounds of Bob Belcher GROANING*

Rita Ora


I applaud the divaness of this hologram

Seems like a wasted opportunity not having Ja Rule on My Kitchen Rules.

I love hearing stories of ridiculous rules families have about not doing “poor people” things. They tend to be offensive but I like that shit seeing the light of day, it also helps me figure out weird regional behaviors. Ridicule the behavior and go try some grits.