Hunter Gathers 3.0

You’ve outdone yourself, Vago. This is the wiki-est wiki wormhole ever.

“I’m not in favor of unnatural things.”

Head Transplants: A Brief History of Mostly Sanctioned Sadistic Animal Torture

I can’t wait until this dream is realized as the rich buying bodies from poor people who can’t afford to feed their families any other way.

Building homes? Unnatural. Defecating indoors? Unnatural. Electric lights? Unnatural! Clothing? Unnatural!

On the other hand, one of my science professors argued that since humans arose naturally, EVERYTHING we do is part of Nature. So there’s that.

Chester A. Arthur fall down!

>hand and face transplants have each met with objections of being unnatural

Yeah, I’m not sure what a dramatically satisfying answer would be to the question, “Why did Paterno do this?” Trying to answer that kind of question is a trap movies and TV shows sometimes fall into when the protagonist is a villain or an anti-hero—they end up providing a pat backstory or psychological explanation for

“If I were the man I was five years ago I’d make an ETHOS IN THIS WHOLE PLACE!!!

Really weird thing about this case: the DA who initially investigated Sandusky and declined to charge him, later disappeared under odd circumstances, following Sandusky’s arrest but prior to his trial:

I created a Ninja account to star this. Bravo!!

That kid’s got a GREAT ASS.

Joe Pa made an ethos in this whole place

What kind of potheads smoke off a beer can anyways? You'd think they would have had a pipe, or at least rolled a joint.

Oh, right, Winona and Dave Pirner were dating at the time. He wanted somebody to shove… him.

Yeah, everybody brings up how obnoxious Hawke's character is, but Ryder's character is even worse. I mean ignoring the whole romance angle, you have a woman who has a dream job to millions of people (an entry-level show-business job as an assistant to a pseudo-Regis) and throws it away for a cheap laugh of screwing

I was a teen at the time and I found Reality Bites to be insufferable. I saw it with in the theater with a group of friends and we were split, about half thought it was a great film and the rest of us thought the only thing that could have improved it would have been Hawke's character having something gruesome happen