There see to be a LOT of oversights in Kansas’s constitution and legislation.
There see to be a LOT of oversights in Kansas’s constitution and legislation.
I was thinking “small footprint.”
“You want a Kung-Fu Grip? Then scrub out all of these shitters with a toothbrush, Private!”
Bloody Rupert...
Cancellation. He did NOT see that coming.
Over-Crossing With John NotMyRealName.
“This one was, so Just You Hush Your Little Mouth!”
Yeah, I’m NEVER working that hard for ANY amount of money.
That line is right up there with “Now with less anal leakage!” for Olestra.
You’re a fucking moron.
The Reality-Based Community doesn’t go away. Turd Blossom thought he had made it disappear, and it bit him in the ass. Uppance is coming for the Trump regime.
That’s Marzipan.
Ralph, you’re Not Right.
It’s mostly CaCa, actually.
The man is not young! Fuck off, people!
Let’s all face it: Shatner is fucking awful and he always has been (emphasis on the has been).
In under 12 parsecs, motherfucker!
I don’t really have a problem with this one. It looks fun and not
I know.
What, like the original movies weren’t BURSTING with Limeys?