I’m entirely willing to shoot the white trash bastards if it becomes necessary.
I’m entirely willing to shoot the white trash bastards if it becomes necessary.
Russian banks OWN Trump’s ass. U. S., U. K., European and Japanese banks won’t touch him. He has to get the money to keep his collection of White Elephants afloat somehow.
Not just “no collusion,” but “NO COLLUSION!” I think he had that tweet printed by the same firm that makes your business cards, Mr. Hutz.
Ronnie Reagan’s faux-folksiness drastically lowered the standard of intelligent, nuanced, adult political discourse in this country and most people ate it up with a spoon.
A Colonel Bat Guano if ever there was one.
That he would not be as wretchedly grotesque a public horse’s ass as Trump is the sole merit Pence has in his favor.
Mike Pence has all of the charisma of an artificial sweetener, a possibly carcinogenic one.
Attorney General.
You’re the kind of fuckwit that’s going to shoot up a pizza parlor, aren’t you, my low-information voting friend?
It’s your bunch that actually does that shit. We don’t, outside your paranoid fantasies. Also, treason is committed against the country, not against any President. Your imbecile God-Emperor is no exception to that.
It’s shitheels all of the way down, but there is no chance of the Republicans winning the 2020 Presidential election after an impeachment. Maybe by 2028, after some of the stank has wafted away.
He’s in it up to his Orville Redenbacher-loving neck!
Consider the increased speed of communications and information process now compared to 1972, as well as the ubiquity of documentation created by contemporary communication modes. It’s still going to take a long time to complete these investigations, though.
Then maybe they should learn to read and put some shoes on, for God’s sake!
Yes, but you’re a fucking tool and we would all probably loathe you if you were on television, so there is that to consider.
Would Sir prefer an artfully curated bouquet of strangers’ piss scents from around the globe?
My first guess was NYC rent and overheads eating everything. Plus on Times Square.
A mouth-breathingly, droolingly fucktarded comment.
Because he’s a dumb motherfucker.
The “p” stands for “pissant,” doesn’t it?