HunterGathers 2.0

What a fucking moron.

Well, considering that a large chunk of our population voted for a dude who was caught on tape admitting to assaulting women, and with a public history of generally treating women like shit, I don’t have much hope.

He’s not “naming names” because he’s a young(ish) actor currently in a series who wants to keep acting. Who knows how much power and influence this “Hollywood Honcho” still has.

Fucked up enough to believe that your power and money insulate you from the consequences of your actions. You know what the worst part is? The dude was right; Crews didn’t touch him because his money and power actually did insulate him from the consequences of his actions. It’s almost like knowing he wouldn’t be

He explains perfectly well in the thread why he didn’t name the guy, and also why women wouldn’t either. Plus take into account the media would crucify a black male against a Hollywood exec.

President Camacho would be such an improvement right now.

It’s easy. Have power. Over his life and his career.

Who did it? I commend Crews for speaking out about this incident, lending his voice, possibly opening some misogynist minds. I don’t put the responsibility on him to name his assaulter, just like I wouldn’t demand an actress expose information she wasn’t comfortable divulging.

As long as he doesn’t get in his president character from Idiocracy. We have that going right now.

The kind of fucked up where you know you could get him fired and jailed in ten minutes. Crews was 100% on point.

I absolutely don’t mean this as any kind of judgment against Terry, whose speaking up is commendable and courageous, but I feel like the fact that he can come forward with this recent story as a response to other victims stories, go into explicit detail, but still can’t name the person in question, serves as even

How fucked up in the head do you have to be to grope Terry Crews who could snap you in half like a toothpick? And then you do it in front of his wife! That’s sociopathic on a completely new level.

I wish he’d called the cops, because what he experienced is a crime.

Terry Crews for President.

Everyone’s shit is emotional right now.

A few hundred thousand dollars of misinformation goes a long way in a country that makes ignorance and lack of education virtues.